Category Wargames


A is for Alphabetised wargame, sim, and site news. Once a month, assuming I can persuade Austerity’s Blackburn Cirrus Bombardier engine to perform the miracle of internal combustion, I spend a day or two scouring Simulatia and Grognardia for stories…

Operation Oryx: Turn 29

A TOW missile requires a second or two to warm up its battery and spin its gyroscope prior to launch. That delay plus an additional few seconds of operator indecision or inefficiency (we’ll never know which) proves disastrous for Muttley…


Want to turn a green lane into a brown lane, tow a Gulaschkanone across a snowy field, or roam the Western Desert trashing Axis airfields? Get a 4×4. Want quick introductions to games of interest to wargamers and simmers? Read…

Operation Oryx: Turn 28

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov is nothing like his literary namesake. For the past fifteen minutes the turret tsar of the Podrabian T-55 pictured above has been itching to push forward… to get stuck in. When our M60A1 unwittingly promotes him to…


Despite exposure to Charles Games’ and iNK Stories’ fine creations I still recoil slightly when I see the word ‘edutainment’ in the blurb for a game. I recoil because I know – or think I know – what’s coming. 1.…

Operation Oryx: Turn 27

Finally! In response to his comrade’s excited “Enemy armour approaching!”, our patient Dragon tamer kneels, shoulders his drainpipe, and centres the approaching Podrabian tank in his sight.


A is for Alphabetised wargame, sim, and site news. Once a month, assuming I can persuade Austerity’s Blackburn Cirrus Bombardier engine to perform the miracle of internal combustion, I spend a day or two scouring Simulatia and Grognardia for stories…

Operation Oryx: Turn 26

How many of the motorists that hurtle along the M2 highway today, understand the significance of Strupnic’s plinthed T-62? How many stop to read the names engraved on the monument’s plaque? Viktor Somlac… Branko Somlac… Otto Pinkas… Milan Lesov Snr……


Want to turn a green lane into a brown lane, tow a Gulaschkanone across a snowy field, or roam the Western Desert trashing Axis airfields? Get a 4×4. Want quick introductions to games of interest to wargamers and simmers? Read…

Operation Oryx: Turn 25

Checked last Monday by one of CM’s periodic order-issuing opportunities, Team Droopy’s last TOW missile regains its liberty in the opening second of turn 25. It presses on, following a very similar trajectory to the one traced by its predecessor,…

Operation Oryx: Turn 24

Despite being one man down, TOW Team ‘Droopy’ manages to fire all three of its remaining ‘Tube-launched, Optically tracked, Wire-guided’ tank trashers during this sixty-second slice of play-by-comment Combat Mission: Cold War action. The second missile is foiled by foliage…

Dusty But Trusty: Steel Beasts

To qualify for a ‘Dusty But Trusty’ article, a game must be old enough to vote in Nicaragua, buy tobacco in Djibouti, and make the beast with two backs in Nepal. More importantly, it must be demonstrably super, smashing, great,…