Category Wargames

Operation Oryx: Turn 13

Ivan, the MT-LB commander, and Yuri, the MT-LB driver, fall out during this sixty second slice of action. Ivan wants an opportunity to riddle a skedaddling TOW Mutt with his turret-mounted 7.62mm Pulemyot Kalashnikova MG. Yuri wants to put a…

Operation Oryx: Turn 12

How easy is it to hit a speeding jeep with a rocket-propelled grenade at a range of around 200 metres? Stefan Popov, the Pod grenadier next to the Vostok memorial, has a splendid chance to answer that question in turn…

Operation Oryx: Turn 11

During this sixty second consignment of CMCW combat action, the dastardly Pods get an opportunity to commit canicide. While the opportunity is by no means golden, I reckon it qualifies as bronzen.

Untapped Tussles: The First Boer War

For students of Victorian military blunders, the South African province of KwaZulu-Natal is something of a gold mine. Two years after Ntshingwayo Khoza’s impi made famous Isandlwana, and nineteen years before Botha’s Boers ensured Spion Kop would never be forgotten,…

Operation Oryx: Turn 10

The Comment Commanders need a new lucky rabbit’s foot, or a bigger one. Their current model failed to prevent a Pod IFV potting their (inadequately) armoured car two seconds into turn number ten.

Operation Oryx: Turn 9

Three contiguous clashes supply most of the drama for today’s battle update. Looking north and working from left to right, the first involves a previously undetected Pod sniper, and two Zen scouts who are endeavouring to patch up a wounded…

Attack at Dawn: North Africa review

Steam tells me I’ve played Panzer Division Games’ debut for twelve hours and would like to know if I’d recommend it to other players. When, shunning the proffered ‘yes’ and ‘no’ options, I reply “That depends”, the Great One’s speech…

Operation Oryx: Turn 8

During the first seven turns of Operation Oryx the Comment Commanders have eliminated three enemy AFVs and two trucks, and severely mauled two infantry squads. They’ve lost in the process a single scout. By play-by-comment CM standards, their success has…

Operation Oryx: Turn 6

The story that explains why Milan Lesov, his son, and their pilfered RPG-7 didn’t make it to the rendezvous at Viktor’s house, is long and complicated. It involves a well, a promise, and a small spray-bottle of nitroglycerin. When this…

Operation Oryx: Turn 5

LAW-equipped Recon Team Alpha has just one task this turn – tackle an inquisitive BMP. It executes its orders, but, for mystifying reasons, chooses to do so in a somewhat perverse way.