Tag combat mission

Operation Oryx: Turn 26

How many of the motorists that hurtle along the M2 highway today, understand the significance of Strupnic’s plinthed T-62? How many stop to read the names engraved on the monument’s plaque? Viktor Somlac… Branko Somlac… Otto Pinkas… Milan Lesov Snr……

Operation Oryx: Turn 25

Checked last Monday by one of CM’s periodic order-issuing opportunities, Team Droopy’s last TOW missile regains its liberty in the opening second of turn 25. It presses on, following a very similar trajectory to the one traced by its predecessor,…

Operation Oryx: Turn 24

Despite being one man down, TOW Team ‘Droopy’ manages to fire all three of its remaining ‘Tube-launched, Optically tracked, Wire-guided’ tank trashers during this sixty-second slice of play-by-comment Combat Mission: Cold War action. The second missile is foiled by foliage…

Operation Oryx: Turn 23

T+4. Fear? Foreboding? Indecision? Whichever phantasmal dire wolf had Lesov Junior firmly pinned to the leaf litter last turn, releases him four seconds into this one. Milan uses his liberty to tweak the trigger of his RPG-7. As a result…

Operation Oryx: Turn 22

Which word beginning with ‘o’ best fits this turn’s action? Oscitant (yawning; drowsy; dull)? Definitely not! Obtusion (the act of making blunt)? Tempting. Orthotypous (having a perpendicular cleavage)? A lovely word, but no. Obtruders (ones who obtrude)? Ah, that will…

Operation Oryx: Turn 20

The T-80 the Soviet Union loaned to Podrabia in June of 1980 was for evaluation purposes only. Clause ‘C’ in the contract clearly stipulated that it wasn’t, under any circumstances, to be used in an actual war zone. The Kremlin…

Operation Oryx: Turn 19

The Pods’ reluctance to leave the highway has cost them dear, but this turn there are signs – small signs – that the invaders are experimenting with a new, more circumspect approach. While Muttley is busy finishing off the last…

Operation Oryx: Turn 18

Zendora has only ever won one Olympic gold medal, and some cynics says it only bagged the gong in question because the legendary Swiss sharpshooter Wilhelm Teller didn’t attend the 1956 Melbourne Games due to a boycott. The gold was…

Operation Oryx: Turn 17

The faded sign on the roadside north of New Farm states ‘Strupnic welcomes careful drivers’. What it fails to mention is that the welcome extended to careful drivers who come in peace is very different from the welcome extended to…

Operation Oryx: Turn 15

We’re halfway through THC’s second play-by-comment Combat Mission marathon. Having eliminated the majority of the Pod mechanized infantry units occupying Strupnic, the Comment Commanders are about to take on a much more formidable enemy force. The odds of a purloined…