The Lions of Lodowice: Turn 11

Dozens of the Narcissus for which Lodowice is moderately famous, have been thrown into confusion by the events of the past ten turns. In several spots in the grounds of Lodowice University and on the banks of the Vistula, subterranean bulbs have begun pushing green daggers upwards after detecting an unseasonal thaw.

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Road to Glory is great/gratis

In Simulatia, ubiquitous WW2 vehicles like the Sd.Kfz. 250 and the M3 are always the bridesmaid, never the bride. Offerings like Road to Glory that insist you ride a halftrack into battle are almost unheard of.

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The Lions of Lodowice: Turn 10

Four of the eight AFVs that started this game of PvP play-by-comment Combat Mission: Red Thunder are alive and kicking at the start of turn 10, but, as two of the four – the IS-2 and the King Tiger – had enemy termination tubes pointed in their general direction when turn 9 ended, it will be a miracle if this sixty-second passage of play passes without a brew-up.

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Peter Turcan’s Midway

After a morning of driver switching and dll juggling failed to persuade Task Force Admiral’s ‘vertical slice’ to run on my PC, I decided to assuage my disappointment by playing the closest thing TFA has to a spiritual antecedent. In 1994 wargaming visionary Peter Turcan self-published a WEGO wargame that sank into obscurity faster than the Shōhō slipped beneath the waves during the Battle of the Coral Sea.

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