Friday Foxer #156

Every Friday at 1300 hours, Tally-Ho Corner’s cleverest clogs come together to solve a ‘foxer’ handcrafted by my sadistic chum and colleague, Roman. A complete ‘defoxing’ sometimes takes several days and usually involves the little grey cells of many readers.

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Dawn Donkey Ride: Preston to Blackpool by TSW Pacer

“Good morning, Cornerites. On behalf of Tally-Ho Corner Tours I’d like to welcome you aboard this chilly (Get the heater on, Roman!) bus-based Train Sim World diesel multiple unit. Very shortly, assuming ‘nodding donkey’ number 142033 plays beach ball, we will be making our way to Blackpool via the more southerly/interesting of the resort’s two rail links. Under your seat you’ll find a map of our route, plus a goody bag containing a gluten-free butter pie, a Kiss Me Quick hat, and a Geiger counter.”

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Friday Foxer #155

Every Friday, Tally-Ho Corner’s cleverest clogs come together to solve a ‘foxer’ handcrafted by my sadistic chum and colleague, Roman. A complete ‘defoxing’ sometimes takes several days and usually involves the little grey cells of many readers. All are welcome to participate.

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Friday Foxer #154

Every Friday, Tally-Ho Corner’s cleverest clogs come together to solve a ‘foxer’ handcrafted by my sadistic chum and colleague, Roman. A complete ‘defoxing’ sometimes takes several days and usually involves the little grey cells of many readers. All are welcome to participate.

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Introducing Ignatius

One of the advantages of being completely independent is that I no longer have to persevere with games I’m not enjoying. Back in the days when I wrote for PC Gamer I would have had to play Last Train Home to the bitter end (Vladivostok?). Now, when Ignatius, my lugubrious shoulder-mounted gnome, whispers in my ear “God, this is a drag. Why not pack it in and go play something more entertaining?” I can nod and reach for the Escape key.

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