Where am I?
Using the following clues (the map above is purely decorative) in combination with Street View, work out my location.
Using the following clues (the map above is purely decorative) in combination with Street View, work out my location.
This week’s handmade co-op puzzle won’t defox itself. If you’re a dab hand at quizzes, lateral thinking, and search engine sleuthing, why not help out.
Some people said Sark didn’t need a sizeable bus station and a tangle of intertwined bus lines – that 55-seat PCVs were inappropriate on this small, sparsely populated Channel Isle, not to say illegal. Others predicted my latest City Bus Manager enterprise would never turn a profit. Did I listen? Did I Sark.
Austerity – THC’s cantankerous Auster AOP.9 – was conducting one of her routine recce jaunts yesterday when she spotted a curlicue of fresh tank tracks in grid square CC. As this sector has been very quiet of late, she decided to investigate. The twin furrows crossed a couple of cornfields, snaked though a shelter belt, and skirted a village, before disappearing beneath the broad mud-clogged caterpillars of a stationary King Tiger. Said KT was parked at this obscure but intriguing Steam site.
I am currently in possession of the Nineteenth Century equivalent of one of those preloaded retro games consoles. While I knew I wouldn’t be able to use it to vapourise alien spacecraft, fragment drifting asteroids, or leap rolling barrels, I rather hoped it would allow me to – after a fashion – wargame.
A comment posted below this recent piece opened my eyes to the wonderful world of Armoured Commander 2 modding. Not that you’d know it from perusing AC2’s Steam page or forum (the modders share their wares via Discord) but Sudasana’s tiny (in terms of HD footprint) 2D turnbased tank sim has been heavily augmented by users.
Wargame Design Studio have donated two copies of their latest WW2 release to the Corner. The games will go to readers willing to pore over maps of the Carpathian Basin.
Using the following clues (the map above is purely decorative) in combination with Street View, work out my location.