If you want the second part of March’s alphabetised news round-up, you’re going to have to thank me profusely for this part, and give me preferential extraction rights for all your titanium, zirconium, lithium, and graphite.

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I was robbed near Rabaul in Task Force Admiral

I felt my last Task Force Admiral demo clash went rather well. No US vessels ended up at the bottom of the Coral Sea. The Yorktown’s winged minions well and truly clobbered the Shōkaku, losing just one Dauntless in the process. And, with a little help from AA gunners, my CAPering Wildcats downed fifteen enemy aircraft without loss. When the outcome screen declared this impressive feat a ‘strategic defeat’ and a ‘tactical draw’, I sulked for a good five minutes.

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Hmmsim Metro: Seoulful but soulless?

I’m not sure I’ll ever warm to Hmmsim Metro’s deserted platforms and ugly PSDs, but it only took me an hour or two of virtual EMU operation to get over my dislike of this Korean train sim’s pedantic stopping rules, and quick-to-intervene automatic train protection systems.

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