A is for Alphabetised wargame and sim news. I could have scattered these topical tidbits throughout the week in the hope they’d make Tally-Ho Corner look lively and well-staffed. Concern for your LMB dabber persuaded me to glue them together and present them as a single Ever Given-sized tract instead.

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Friday Foxer #14

Every Friday at 1300 hours, Tally-Ho Corner’s cleverest clogs come together to solve a ‘foxer’ handcrafted by my sadistic chum and colleague, Roman. A complete ‘defoxing’ sometimes takes several days and usually involves the little grey cells of many readers. Don’t be shy. All are welcome to participate.

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Brinkmann’s Bridge: Turn 17

It was naughty of me not to mention The Belin Rule back in turn 10 when the Major arrived. Because Battlefront doesn’t allow scenario designers to give units traits like “glory hunter” and “complete wazzock” I’ve had to invent my own house rule for Belin. Every turn since #10 I’ve been quietly rolling a six-sided dice. This turn, for the first time, I rolled a 1 meaning the Comment Commanders’ highest ranking unit ignores assigned orders and does what he damn well pleases. “What he damn well pleases” invariably means bee-lining for the enemy with a Luger in his hand…

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Solo Foxer #14

Unlike the formidable Friday foxers, the Monday kind are designed with lone truth sleuths in mind. Roman, my Chief Foxer Setter, assures me the following brainteaser can be solved single-handedly. Crow all you like in the comments section, but please don’t spoil the puzzle for others by sharing solutions or dropping hints.

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Brinkmann’s Bridge: Turn 16

This turn is the costliest yet for the Britishers. A short time after I lose an irreplaceable sixty minutes to British Summer Time, the glider riders defending Brinkmann’s Bridge lose an irreplaceable half-dozen men to an assortment of kill kit that includes a 10.5cm howitzer, an MG 42, an MP 40, and a scoped Karabiner 98K.

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Want to turn a green lane into a brown lane, tow a MoBAT across a snowy field, or roam the Western Desert trashing Axis airfields? Get a 4×4. Want quick introductions to low-profile PC games with military or transport themes? Read a 3×3. This new potentially recurring column is my attempt to reduce the number of interesting wargames and sims ignored by THC each month. Prior to penning a 3×3 I’ll play three under-exposed underdogs for three hours each. While it would be cavalier to call the reports that result from these brief auditions ‘reviews’, it’s conceivable they might lead…

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Friday Foxer #13

Today’s co-op brainteaser is the work of my Chief Foxer Setter’s talented understudy. If you think Roman’s word chains are tough, you’ve clearly never attempted one forged by Colonel K.

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