Friday Foxer #137

This week’s handmade co-op puzzle won’t defox itself. If you’re a dab hand at quizzes, lateral thinking, and search engine sleuthing, why not help out.

Roman is feeling nostalgic*. ID the collage theme and explain the presence of all thirteen components to complete the defox.

* The very first foxers were collages.

* * *


Last week’s geofoxer theme: Tintin (defoxed by Zwack23)

a. Flight 714 (Nutfield, Phlebas)
b. General Alcazar (Nutfield)
c. The Crab with the Golden Claws (Phlebas)
d. Cuthbert Calculus (ylla, Zwack23)
e. Captain Haddock (Aergistal)
f. Red Rackham’s Treasure (Nutfield)
g. The Blue Lotus (Zwack23)
h. Loch Lomond whisky (Zwack23, Nutfield)
i. Destination Moon/Explorers on the Moon (Electric Dragon, Zwack23)
j. Mil Mi-1 (Nutfield, Phlebas)
k. Snowy (Nutfield, Electric Dragon, Phlebas)
l. The Shooting Star (Aergistal)


  1. England’s womens’ footballer number 18 ought to be Chloe Kelly. Scored winning penalty against Nigeria.
    Team are the Lionesses.

    • … Susan Watts was the science editor of Newsnight that covered the that covered the Iraqi weapons story.

  2. Officer in the top left is Mark Rylance in WAITING FOR THE BARBARIANS.

    ETA: imdb just gives his role as Magistrate.

  3. Saints preserve my synapses!
    The little button with a bearded bloke tailing a guy in dark glasses is from ASHLAND DOSSIER.

    (It’s the darn stage of the tutorial that’s designed for you to fail).

  4. Thirteen components, huh?

    (Vaguely clockwise)
    1. (Postcard of warship)
    3. (Handgrenade with Palestinian and Israeli flgs – you’d have thought it’d be easy)
    4. (White oval logo)
    5. (Background – something burning/erupting by a sea)

    6. LIONESS / CHLOE KELLY / Penalty scorer
    7. HOPE / George Frederic Watts
    9. (‘integrity’ in cursive – 80s? or not neon enough?)

    11. (Striped character)
    12. VECTOR W8
    13. CMG Honour (aka Call Me God)
    14. (Black and green striped thing)

    So, presumably I’ve listed something that’s not a clue; or I’ve listed two things when they’re one.

  5. 5. Background island on fire is GRUINARD ISLAND burning in March 2022
    site of anthrax testing, Dr Kelly assisted in decontaminating

    ETA: 12. VECTOR = State Research Center of Virology and Biotechnology in Koltsovo
    Dr Kelly determined they were working on smallpox and other biological weapons in contravention of agreements

  6. 1. is a picture of the Japanese warship ‘Inazuma’ (1932)
    (It might translate as “japanese destroyer number 6”, though it might also mean ‘lightning’)

    Exploded after being torpedoed by USS Bonefish in the Celebes Sea on 14 May 1944 – Dr David Kelly’s date of birth.

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