Solo Foxer #6

Unlike the formidable Friday foxers, the Monday kind are designed with lone truth sleuths in mind. Roman, my Chief Foxer Setter, assures me the following brainteaser can be solved single-handedly. Crow all you like in the comments section, but please don’t spoil the puzzle for others by sharing solutions or dropping hints.

“Where am I?”

Using the following clues (the map above is purely decorative) in combination with Street View, Wikipedia, and other tools, work out my location. The answer will appear under next Monday’s solo foxer.

I’m standing close to an ambulance on a street with a female name. Visible above the rooftops in front of me is a structure that resembles a lighthouse. 100 metres from a secondhand bookshop and 600 from a museum full of fire engines, I’m in a city that isn’t served by Ryanair. That city has a smaller population than Greenland and receives on average about 1150mm of rain per year. I’m in a country that has no living Nobel laureates, no green on its flag, and no Russian aircraft in its air force inventory. Possessing a larger rail network than Greece and a higher male life expectancy, this country has, in heraldic terms, something in common with both Trinidad and Tobago and Jamaica. I share longitude with a nation that was admitted to the UN in the 1980s. I’m not in Pont-à-Mousson.

(Last week I was here)


  1. Finally got there after several false starts – about 3 or 4 times I thought I had the right country but then saw it failed one of the clues.

  2. This foxer has taught me that there are many many fire engine museums in the world.

    I did eventually find the spot.

  3. Took a while, but made it in the end. Once I’d figured out the approximate area I managed to drop the street view camera right next to the ambulance almost immediately, which was a nice surprise.

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