Combat Mission Olympiad: Result

According to Combat Mission: Afrika Korps’ unforgiving internal adjudicators, history’s first parallel PvE play-by-comment CM contest ended in ‘minor defeats’ for both teams. I need to turn to the less judgmental bespoke scoring system laid out in the launch article to determine which team gets the gold gong, and which the silver.

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Meet Ghost Recon’s grandson, Black One Blood Brothers

Last night, Uncle Steam, noticing I was at a loose end, whispered in my shell-like: “Players like you love Black One Blood Brothers”. After I responded with a sceptical “Is that so?”, he realised he still had work to do. Grabbing my lapels and pulling my face close to his, with a hint of menace he urged me to “Imagine Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon with modern graphics, drones, amazing weapon customisation, and an absolute gem of a mission generator”. This I duly did.

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The First of the Forsaken

The older I get, the more abandoned game projects I leave in my wake. During the past fifteen years I’ve started work on dozens of video games and – if you ignore this trifle – failed to finish every single one of them. Am I proud of this record? Of course not. The thought that the fruits of so much effort – so much reflection and experimentation – are now gathering dust on forgotten hard drives, cuts me to the quick every time I think about it.

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