Playing Lithuania

As THC guest writer Martynas “JcDent” Klimas hails from Lithuania, a country I’ve never visited and know little about, I asked him if he’d be willing to combine some covert history teaching with some overt wargame coverage. He courageously accepted the challenge and penned this fascinating article.

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Friday Foxer #188

Every Friday, Tally-Ho Corner’s cleverest clogs come together to solve a ‘foxer’ handcrafted by my sadistic chum and colleague, Roman. A complete ‘defoxing’ sometimes takes several days and usually involves the little grey cells of many readers.

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Tile timelapse

Gaming websites like Europagamer, PGC, and Clock Draper Spudgun, change their headers once in a blue moon. Here at THC we believe an unvarying masthead is a moribund masthead. For the past two and a half years, the png plaque at the very top of this page has been altered on numerous occasions. Readers willing to join the airlift earn the right to commission a bespoke 32×32 pixel tile, and all of those tiles spend at least a month ‘over the door’.

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The 2024 Combat Mission Olympiad

Due to budget cuts, the 2024 CM Olympiad will consist of just one event – team play-by-comment Combat Mission: Afrika Korps – and involve just two teams – 2020 finalists France and Great Britain. Over the next fourteen weeks, said teams, each orchestrated by a quartet of comment commanders, will fight identical AI-marshalled Axis forces on identical North African maps, the ultimate winner being determined by a points formula detailed below.

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Demo Discette

As the sellotape used to attach this demo disc to the THC front cover is specially designed to be impervious to scraping fingernails and to deface the glossy cover art when removed, we recommend you enjoy what you can see of the scantily clad elven archer pincushioning the muscle-bound orc warrior, before attempting separation.

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