Contours come to my aid in Armored Brigade 2

In my part of the world, roe deer are the undisputed contour kings. They know their territories intimately, and when surprised in open country invariably dash for the nearest hollow, or retreat behind the closest LoS-breaking rise or hillock. To prevail in my last Armored Brigade 2 ‘random skirmish’ I had to think like a nervous Capreolus capreolus.

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Ace Amusements: Dark Spasm

If a game makes it into the Corner’s end-of-the-pier amusement arcade, you can be sure of four things. The entertainment in question will riff on a classic from the 70s or 80s, require quick reflexes, be cheap or free, and be so diverting there’s zero chance you’ll quit after your first GAME OVER.

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Pipedreams and smokestacks

Typical. The day after I send Slitherine a slew of questions, I think of another I really should have asked: “Now you own Battlefront, why not put together a small team and start releasing new CMx1 instalments?”. How many nostalgic PC wargamers with precious memories of Beyond Overlord, Barbarossa to Berlin, and Afrika Korps, would pay medium dollar to fight in the Pacific, Korea, or Spain using the same engine? A fair number, I reckon.

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The trouble with combat trousers

If you’re a regular wearer of cargo pants you’ll know the importance of a thorough pre-laundry garment frisk. This morning while searching the numerous pockets of my battle breeches in preparation for a forty degree Easy Care cycle, I came across multiple bits of game news.

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