If you want the second part of March’s alphabetised news round-up, you’re going to have to thank me profusely for this part, and give me preferential extraction rights for all your titanium, zirconium, lithium, and graphite.

A is for Aces of Thunder…

…an upcoming multi-theatre WW2 flight sim from Gaijin, the outfit behind War Thunder. In contrast to the game that’s providing most of its flight, damage, and visual models, VR-focused AoT will have a single-player campaign at its core, and won’t greet newcomers with hangars full of padlocked flyables.

B is for Bookish wargame review

For correctly identifying the source of this mystery screenshot, airlifter Jimbob earned the right to pen a mini review for THC. As most of his favourite PC games have already been covered on the Corner, he’s chosen to lionise a little-known analogue tank diversion called Lone Sherman.

“This avowedly ahistorical solo hex and counter ‘game-book’ by the prolific Mike Lambo, puts you in charge of a single Sherman tank in France during WW2. Definitely a ‘beer and pretzels’ type of experience, it does however offer lots of tactical decision making without any complex record keeping.

Turns are based around a random dice pool determined by the characteristics of the current hex (road, mud, field etc) and the condition of your crew. Actions require a specific dice value to undertake, so many of your decisions need to be made on the fly. Not able to fire this turn? Better find some cover and pop smoke if you can. Some minor crew management takes place, the commander can be buttoned up, shells must be loaded (there is only one type of ammunition) and the loss of crew members reduces your efficiency. It’s a light touch but does give a sense of what is going on inside the machine.

There are three varieties of tanky Teutons to fight (Panzer III, IV and Tigers) each representing different levels of challenge, and the ‘AI’ system is competent. Infantry are also present and predictably lethal in close quarters so careful positioning is rewarded. Scenarios usually take the format of destroying a specific target and exiting the map in one piece. However, the starting locations of enemy units are randomised and an end of turn sequence will happily deploy snipers, mines, Stuka attacks and additional units to scupper your plans which means there is a good deal of replayability.”

C is for Condor 3

Going by the vibe in the official forums, the virtual gliding community is pretty happy with the launched-last-October Condor 3. While there are a few calls in this wishlist thread for things like AI gliders, birds, better graphics, and stronger ridge lift, it seems the long-running series is still peerless when it comes to capturing the feel and challenges of real-life soaring.

D is for Dien Bien Phu

Digital wargamers interested in exploring the momentous 1954 siege that effectively ended the First Indochina War now have three relatively modern titles to choose from. Unlike Campaign Series: Vietnam and Dien Bien Phu by WDS, the £20 SGS Battle For: Dien Bien Phu doesn’t deploy cartographic chicken wire and does ration orders.

E is for 8-bit Earp FPS

Tokyo-based developer Dadako is working on something sure to tempt rheumy-eyed Outlaws fans. Although it’s now too late to get your name on one of Bad Pixels‘ wanted posters or Boot Hill gravestones, you can buy a mention in the credits by pre-purchasing this ‘coming soon’ 16-mission shooter for $15.

F is for Farming Simulator’s speedy step-brother

Ian Bell’s latest project shares a pixel pump with the world’s most famous agri sim. Happily, Project Motor Racing’s physics engine isn’t a Farming Simulator hand-me-down.


    • I’m really looking forward to AoT, provided it really is a standalone, single player game. WT has just the right balance of believable physics, simplicity and decent graphics to provide an excellent VR experience.

      I recently picked up a Quest 3, and although I haven’t had much time to use it, sim racing and things like VTOL VR are excellent (although I don’t like not being able to use my physical stick or manually trim!).

  1. Thank you Jimbob, that does sound an interesting game.

    Of course, thank you Tim too, please don’t cut off my intelligence. I’m a tad short on lithium but you’re welcome to all the graphite you can extract from this 2B pencil. I’ll even throw in the eraser tip.

  2. So between aces of thunder and combat pilot there will soon be 2 new options for a Pacific theatre flight sim, Happy news!

    I’m gathering my old electronics to be stripped as we speak. Surely the best way to ensure an A2Z guarantee…

    Many thanks for posting the review!

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