Where am I?

Using the following clues (the map above is purely decorative) in combination with Street View, work out my location.

Although Roman, THC’s chief puzzlewright, would be interested to know how long it takes you to solve this solo foxer, he’d rather you didn’t put spoilers or solutions in the comments.

Today you’ll find me on a thoroughfare perfect for street wargaming. The thoroughfare’s name wouldn’t sound out of place in a sci-fi novel, movie, or game. Closer to a Mormon church than a Catholic one, I’m due south of a railway terminus that closed less than four years after it opened. You’re looking for a city named after a colourful bird. The city has a ‘sister’ in common with Anchorage. Today’s country has a president who assumed office just over a year ago, and was born over 4000 miles away. One of the country’s four neighbours has hosted the FIFA World Cup more than once.

You are probably in the right place if you can see…

  • A red, left-hand drive Ka
  • Balloons
  • Fairy lights
  • A wicket gate
  • A volcano
  • The Apple logo
  • An emaciated Dobermann
  • No road markings
  • The number ‘5892’

(Last week I was here)


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