V is for Vertical slice by the end of Feb. Red Orchestra-style multiplayer FPS ’83 should be sample-able by the end of next month. A project from the team that created Rising Storm and Rising Storm 2, this Cold War shooter has been nudged closer to the finish line by a new investor with a passion for tactical shooters.
V is for Venue-rich
In the increasingly crowded FPV drone sim sector, no sim offers more flight locations than £11 Uncrashed. Thanks to a powerful and friendly environment editor and a creative fanbase, there are now getting on for 3000 user-made venues in the game’s Steam workshop.
W is for “We have a deep understanding of flutter and aeroelastic phenomena”
Goodness me, EntropyFM, the engine that should ensure Combat Pilot: Carrier Qualification’s Wildcats and Zeros behave like their prototypes, sounds amazing. If all goes to plan “the first flight-simulator physics engine to model both hard and soft body physics for the plane’s damage and structural model, in a double precision, multi-threaded, fully deterministic architecture” will deliver procedurally generated dents and deformations a la BeamNG.drive, and this damage will actually impact flying characteristics!
W is for Whopping-great whales and wiser warbirds
Missing save/load functionality and some significant AI deficiencies hasn’t stopped Early Access Sea Power garnering a ‘Very Positive’ reception on Steam. The latest dev update suggests Triassic aren’t going to let these shortcomings frustrate fans of missile-heavy wet warfare in the long term. AI improvements are “a priority” and saving and loading “will be coming in the very near future”, the devs say. One of the new units in the pipeline, the bulky Douglas A-3 Skywarrior, will tax the studio’s animator. Improbably, ‘Whales’ weren’t fitted with ejector seats. If things went pear-shaped in the air, crewmen were expected to bail-out using sloped escape tunnels.
W is for WW2 + Armored Brigade II anyone?
For obvious reasons turning Armored Brigade II into a WW2 wargame is going to be a darn sight harder than converting the original AB. However, there are signs in the Matrix forum that the work is already underway.
W is for Waterloo for £4
Largely because of its “dominant dice”, I put aside RBM Studio’s Gettysburg fairly quickly. If Waterloo, the outfit’s latest cheap conversion of a Mark Herman board wargame, suffers the same fate, I’ll probably cold shoulder the next title in the series, Rebel Fury.
Re: ’83
For me, any occasion Gam3rZ are in proximity to the word “Realism” has gone beyond eye-rolling to ‘these are not people worth listening to’.
(And there was me thinking Tim was a xylophile who might have xiphoid or xebec news)
Yep. Super hilarious. The best military roles can´t be simulated in an entertaining manner at all.
Because excitement-wise nothing beats being assigned to a track-laying detachment for a Dora gun, except maybe being the guy in charge of laying the pipe maze for a forward tank refuellig station.
The fire control guys in my unit at least had the questionable pleasure of the FDC-sauna: Shovel a huge mound of snow in front of the FDC-cabin. Crank up the heater in said cabin to “Hell In A Very Small Place”. Strip to underwear. Light up an ungodly amount of fags. Do fire-control stuff. First one to jump head first into the snow pays the first round of beers.
I imagine you can simulate that pretty well renting a bungalow with a jacuzzy together with some buddies.
Ohhh no, not the XCision ! (I was curious to discover games or subjects with X, Y and Z. But thanks for this alphabetical tour of the videogames ! (I was not aware of a sequel of Rising Storm, and this is good news in my opinion).
Well, there is the most obvious connection is to Egosoft’s X series of games… https://store.steampowered.com/franchise/x
Obviously not a traditional wargame, but certainly within the purview of other simulation based games discussed here. Granted, their last full new release came in 2018, but there is a new expansion for X4 due in the 1Q this year.
As someone who still delights in the simple rat-a-tats of Rising Storm 2 Vietnam. . . I will certainly give 83 an honest try.
I wish I had the time to tinker in Arma Reforger, but my recently granted access to Combat Mission Pro has . . . dominated my gaming time.