Where am I?

Using the following clues (the map above is purely decorative) in combination with Street View, work out my location.

Although Roman, THC’s chief puzzlewright, would be interested to know how long it takes you to solve this solo foxer, he’d rather you didn’t put spoilers or solutions in the comments.

Today I’m in a town that was threatened by a hydroelectric project in the 1970s and early 1980s. In a country that has a female vice president, and a picture of a dead gladiator and a volcanic eruption on its Wikipedia page, the town is in the same time zone as a lake that contains over a fifth of the world’s surface freshwater. About 23 miles from a building where a notable surrender took place, and 17 miles from a peak that shares a name with a Star Trek character, I’m closer to a jail than a church, and roughly 100 metres from a river that is over 200 kilometres in length. Locate a woman sitting on a roadside boulder near a small clothes shop and you’re about a minute’s stroll from my location.

You’re probably in the right place if you can see…

  • A trench
  • A three-headed dragon
  • A Cat E70
  • The word ‘GOLD’
  • Blue gates
  • The words ‘Australian Toyota Surf Owners’
  • Sawdust
  • Paws

I’m not in Pont-à-Mousson.

(Last week I was here)


  1. I found the place and all the clues in the list but it was a pain using a phone so I didn’t even count the time.

    However, the distance from the peak to this place simply doesn’t compute. They either love Star Trek and have multiple peaks named after characters or there’s a problem with the distance.

    Maybe it’s me. Still can’t find the lady.

  2. Forever this week, probably about three hours in total. As usual mostly due to not reading the clues properly and jumping at the wrong intuitions. A few interesting diversions and readings along the way though, so I’ll mentally book the time as ‘education’. Thanks Roman.

  3. Got this one pretty quickly today after going on a hunch that the freshwater lake clue referred to was the obvious one in Russia.

  4. I think Roman needs a break. If anyone fancies fashioning and submitting (tim at tallyhocorner dot com) one of these ‘Where am I?’ puzzles, please do!

    • I for one won’t begrudge Roman a break or slowing of pace. It’s been a fantastic run so far and I hope others pick up the gauntlet.

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