Why I love train sims

I’ve written hundreds of articles during my twenty-odd years as a games inspector. While some make me cringe with embarrassment when I read them today, a few like the 2011 Eurogamer piece posted below, arguably warrant a second airing.

[As I can’t find the images that originally accompanied this piece, it’s illustrated with recent Diesel Railcar Simulator, TSW5, and Railroader screenshots]

I’ve been trying to persuade PEGI to add a new warning icon to their ratings system for ages. If a box came emblazoned with an anorak symbol, the potential buyer would know that “A pre-existing interest in the theme is essential for the enjoyment of this product”. Games carrying the anorak icon would include anything with “manager”, “carp” or “Harry Potter” in the title, along with all train simulators.

If you’re the sort of person who can sit on a station bench reading a book and not look up when a freight train thunders past, it’s highly unlikely the likes of RailWorks, Microsoft Train Simulator, Trainz and OpenBVE will ever shunt their way into your affections. There’s nothing the developers can do to change this. The die has already been cast.

Parents and peers made me a train simmer long before train sims existed. Train-shaped toys and loco-filled picture-books were pressed into my pudgy hands as soon as they were strong enough to hold them. During holidays, I was taken to preserved railways and made to stand very close to pungent green dragons that oozed oil and coughed smoke.

A crucial moment in the indoctrination process occurred when I was around ten years-old. While waiting for a train from London to York, I was encouraged to buy a little pocketbook filled with thousands of five-digit numbers.

Before you sneer, scoff and recall a hundred lazy trainspotter jokes, ask yourself if hunting locos the way a twitcher hunts birds or an Afrika player hunts gnus is any more ridicule-worthy than chasing a ball around a field. For that matter, is it really more senseless than spending your leisure-time moving pixels round a TV screen? Ponder on why influential sections of the media seem to regard a love of hard-working 3000hp locomotives as the mark of a loser, while the love of decadent 1000hp automobiles is declared to be the duty of every red-blooded male.

For me, trainspotting has only positive associations. It gave my juvenile self a taste of independent travel and fostered a couple of good friendships. Today, it remains one of the most extraordinary games I’ve ever played.

Imagine an unscripted, massively multiplayer odyssey that encourages exploration and rewards patience and vigilance. Eyeballing something rare or unexpected while trainspotting is as satisfying, in its own peculiar way, as solving a puzzle in The Hobbit or being the last player left alive in a game of British Bulldog. A train sim which could capture the bizarre network-trotting treasure-hunt that is trainspotting would be remarkable indeed. The closest thing we have, sadly, is a text-based loco-bashing game called Hellfire.

What train sims offer the enthusiast is the ability to time-travel. All rail fans over 21 are hopeless nostalgics, convinced that the railways of today lack the character and charm of those belonging to some personal Golden Age. Sims make it possible to turn back the clock, undo the vandalism of Dr. Beeching and transmute the forlorn hulks of Barry and Berry into the proud Goliaths they once were. You can stand in the same place you stood in 2002, or 1982, or 1962, and see the same sleek stallions and grimy workhorses storming past.  And the sims even let you grab the reins.

At first glance, the challenge of operating a loco might seem slight in comparison with that of piloting a plane or driving a race car. There’s no denying there’s nothing in the likes of RailWorks which is half as demanding as mastering the avionics of a DCS Black Shark or snatching victory in an iRacing open-wheeler, but to dismiss the genre because of this would be a mistake.

After several years of operating simulated steam trains, I still find myself stalled on the slopes after failing to maintain boiler pressure. Having racked up hundreds of hours in the cab, I still occasionally overshoot platforms or slide past red signals, brakes screaming and teeth gritted.

Driving a train requires as much attention as overseeing a modern aeroplane – sometimes more. There is much to learn, and there are countless times when you complete a scenario and relaunch it immediately, eager to put in a better performance.

Train sims can create stress, but it’s their ability to effortlessly dissipate it that I value most. Along with non-violent flight recreations, they offer the perfect way to get the smell of FPS cordite out of your nostrils and wash gobs of RPG viscera from your hair.

In between watching for signals and monitoring dials, there’s plenty of time to gaze wistfully at unfurling landscapes, listen to distant church bells and blow your whistle at disappointingly unflappable sheep. Now and again, it’s great to beetle through a polygonal landscape which isn’t laced with hate or laden with mystery.

When the word ‘escapism’ is bandied around by ludologists, it’s usually in connection with elaborate fantasies – the space opera, the Tolkienesque epic, the post-apocalyptic nightmare. Train simulators prove it’s possible to escape by surrounding yourself with the utterly prosaic.

Not only does the Train Sim Express call at Respite Junction, Nostalgia Old Street, and Challenge Central, it also makes regular stops at Fecundity Interchange. One of the marvellous things about the four titles mentioned in this piece is they get richer every single day, thanks to the graft and craft of creative fans.

There’s always a new route waiting to be explored, a new locomotive or multiple-unit sitting expectantly in the arrival road. The communities huddling at hubs like TrainSim.com and UKTrainSim.com [RIP]  have transformed their chosen sims. They’ve altered their gauges, taken them to new lands and times and even even adapted them for new purposes. In terms of quality, their work often rivals that of the commercial add-on brigade who are also busy enriching and extending.

Tempted to take to the rails? If you’ve never simmed before, Railworks 2 is an excellent place to start*. It’s prettier and friendlier than its rivals. There’s no demo available but a recent promotional toy from The National Railway Museum will give you an inkling of what to expect.

* Obviously, this recommendation is now completely out-of-date. If I was writing a similar piece today I’d recommend Diesel Railcar Simulator, Derail Valley, Train Simulator Classic, Train Sim World 5, and Railroader.

Surprisingly, considering its age, Microsoft Train Simulator is not all that far behind in the looks department. It may even catch up in the near future thanks to OpenRails, a promising open-source overhaul. If you do plump for MSTS, ten years’ worth of community-crafted extras mean you’ll almost certainly be able to drive a local line or operate a favourite machine.

Trainz is also backed by a staggering range of free content, but unfortunately much of it is stored at the developer’s own shunter-slow download station. In its favour the Aussie offering does provide superb route building facilities and endearingly extensive Thomas tributes.

Far too grown-up for anthropomorphic engines, the free OpenBVE enjoys a deserved reputation for superb cab ambience, authentic instrumentation and credible physics. Those prepared to brave installation bafflement and master complex doze-disturbing safety systems can get a peerless glimpse of what it’s like to drive a modern train.

I’m tempted to wind-up this confession, rallying cry, and beginner’s guide with a brief introduction to the wonderful world of signalling simulations, but I fear any more wilful eccentricity on my part may cause Eurogamer to melt or vomit locusts. As much as I love train simming, it’s not something I could ever evangelise with unfettered enthusiasm. Thrills like cold-starting a Deltic or powering across a rainy Ribblehead Viaduct in a Peppercorn A1-hauled express are not for everyone. Ignore the anorak symbol at your peril.


  1. Brilliant article Tim. One of your best, perhaps the very best you have ever written sir. Thank you for doing it back in 2011 and thank you for recalling it now, my Friday is now complete. You even said the magic password; “Deltic”. All so relatable and true. Amazingly, it seems we’re thinking the same thing as I’ve been going through my rail-sim collection lately. It’s as if you read my mind, it’s quite uncanny how you keep doing this my dear fellow. I even got the PS5 version of Train Sim World 5 last week and was pleasantly surprised (like Donald Pleasance) how the PS5 DualSense controller lights up – depending on the next signal, all in its Red/Green/Yellow glory – as well as the haptic force-feedback/vibration finally “feels right” gunning the old diesels up to full throttle.. the braking.. trundling over points.. and all the other little bumps and cab-swaying incredibly immersive. It just brings you in closer which keyboard/mouse can’t. Kb/m is a dead and “distant” experience in comparison. I mean, I couldn’t believe it how Dovetail completely forgot to add at least basic force-feedback on TSW4 (on both PC and console), when their Train Simulator/Railworks sim already had this important aspect for years. A strange oversight, finally and welcomingly addressed.

    But oh dear though… it’s just a shameful display (shamefur dispray, grasshopper?) isn’t it, that they couldn’t get the firebox and steam controls right, with no manual coal shovelling on Flying Scotsman (and where is record-breaking Mallard and other classic Pacific’s, nevermind our beautiful Deltics); if they could fix that and make it more of a proper study simulator – as you say, like MSTS/OpenRails/OpenBVE – then yes please. At least graphically speaking, TSW5 seems more optimised and crispy smooth on 4K res, but that might be more down to it being installed on a Samsung Evo 990 M.2 SSD on my PS5, not sure. Oh well, back to the grimy cab with steaming flask of tea and Jaffa Cakes in mitts as the mole-hills and foxes fly by. But what do we do when we get to our destination? Carp fishing at the lake obviously, where we can relate to Beethoven and talk about “big jugs”, cheers!

    PS: This classic article does indeed qualify for your personal “anorak warning icon” haha! Anorak icon (red triangle, Channel 4 level) approved!

    • Thanks for the kind words, Clive. Morale +1.

      It sounds like Dovetail has done a fantastic job of utilisng the PS5 controller. I’m thoroughly enjoying driving Diesel Railcar Simulator with my Spektrum InterLink (After some teething troubles, I did eventually get it working) at the moment. ‘Rumble’ and advanced warning of signals would be lovely though.

  2. Tim,

    I hadn’t heard of SimSig seems like a big brother to RailRoute, any opinions on RailRoute I took a breif look back through the archives I don’t think you have mentioned it before?

    • I haven’t played RailRoute, but from what I gather it is more a game than a simulator. I played Simsig though. It is what it is, just a simulator, so it is close to the real thing. Well mostly.

      If you are interested in dispatching then https://blockpostsoftware.co.uk/index.php is pretty good at simulating those old signal boxes in the UK. Very close to the real thing, well except simplified graphics. But it runs on a potato, so that is a plus.

      For Germany and Austria there is https://www.estwsim.de/cms/index.php . Realistic and very very close to the real software used on german and austrian railways.

      I believe they all have a demo so you can try them out. Also Simsig has some good layouts for free so you can try it. They are a bit pricey to buy and if you are after a game, and don’t care about it being realistic then yeah, railroute would probably be the way to go.

      Worth mentioning are also trainsims like Run8, where you can ignore the train sim part, and just dispatch the trains and Simrail, which has a prety good online multiplayer dispatching component to it.

      • For something that’s a bit in between Simsig and Blockpost Software there is PC Rail – https://pcrail.co.uk/ , which has quite a large selection of Payware (although you can play time limited demos) signalbox simulations ranging from power-boxes (like Simsig) to Lever boxes (like Blockpost Software) and whilst they aren’t quite as detailed as Blockpost, there are a bigger selection.
        Railroader also has a form of dispatching, through the CTC system – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vhhOqC2TnU

        One can always dream about TSW getting signalling mode, but until then there is also Simrail.

    • I’m ashamed to admit I’ve not given Rail Route a proper audition yet. It’s downloading as I type this, so, hopefully, I’ll be ready to share some thoughts by the end of next week.

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