Friday Foxer #213

Every Friday, Tally-Ho Corner’s cleverest clogs come together to solve a ‘foxer’ handcrafted by my sadistic chum and colleague, Roman. A complete ‘defoxing’ sometimes takes several days and usually involves the little grey cells of many readers. All are welcome to participate.

The honeycomb below is a fancy form of wordsearch in which every cell is used, and words can curl and zigzag but never overlap. Each hive foxer has a theme (some past ones: owls, rugby, Egypt, UFOs…). Identifying the theme is a vital part of the defoxing process.

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Last week’s ‘33 Things Wot You Might Find In A Sherlock Holmes Short Story, Novel, Film, Or Game’ missing vowels foxer:

1. FG – fog (Zwack23)
2. RS NLPN – arsène lupin (Nutfield)
3. GRM PNMR – grimpen mire (Zwack23)
4. TDPLPHL PS – tadpole phelps (Nutfield)
5. SLP PRSWT HSCR CHDSLS – slippers with scorched soles (copperbottom)
6. SB MRGDPSTL – submerged pistol (Nutfield)
7. SHS CMBPRNC – shoscombe prince (Nutfield)
8. SWMPD DR – swamp adder (Phlebas)
9. RRN GJCKWD LY – roaring jack woodley (Colonel_K)
10. RM RKB LYF NMRL DTP N – a remarkably fine emerald tie-pin (Colonel_K)
11. S MDRG SFB SWNG S – some dregs of bees-wing (Colonel_K)

12. NDMNSLN DR – andaman islander (Colonel_K)
13. MN FC TRYFRT FCLKNC PS – manufactory of artificial knee-caps (Colonel_K)
14. PLM BRSSM KRCKT – plumber’s smoke-rocket (Colonel_K)
15. KT LYNHLMS – katelyn holmes (Nutfield)
16. HW HS G N – he who is gone (Nutfield)
17. PT CHDDN LPTYR – patched dunlop tyre (Nutfield)
18. RG RMR – roger moore (Nutfield)
19. RG N – air-gun (Colonel_K)
20. S VRDHM NR – severed human ear (Nutfield)
21. DS HFR NGS – dish of oranges
22. TBLBM BSGHT – tobel bombsight (Nutfield)

23. PNNGLW YR – penang lawyer (Nutfield)
24. DR PPDGS – dropped goose (Nutfield)
25. THRG NFT RWR SHP – the origin of tree worship (Phlebas)
26. THS TMLN CHR R – the steam launch aurora (Phlebas)
27. RCSM – racism (copperbottom)
28. RVNSMSTF F – ravenous mastiff (Phlebas)
29. SYR N GFL LFNSD – syringe full of aniseed (Colonel_K)
30. GRKNTRP RTR – greek interpreter (Nutfield)
31. BGSPLM BR – bogus plumber (Nutfield)
32. T HBL CKP RLFT HBR GS – the black pearl of the borgias (Phlebas)
33. T HCR SN CDN TFT HD GNT HNG HTT M – the curious incident of the dog in the night-time (Phlebas)


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