The Status One demo is tough but moreish

Imagine Door Kickers and SWAT 4 colliding in a gloomy tenement hallway, and after realising that their tac vests were hopelessly entangled, pressing on regardless. Imagine a sad fox playing a violin while drifting towards the lip of a waterfall in a canoe made from a grandfather clock case. Imagine going to buy a 2013 Ford Focus from a woman in Rotherham, and discovering the seller was none other than a post-transition Sergei Skripal.

Apologies for the mischievous mental manipulation. Sometimes I just need to remind myself that with negligible power comes negligible responsibility. The real purpose of today’s post is to encourage you to play the rather good Status One demo.

A top-down tactical shooter in which the player issues orders to a squad of balaclava-clad perp potters, and can, if they wish to, tweak triggers, toss flashbangs, and boot doors in person, this imminent (Q4, 2024) release will contain highly replayable missions and seriously dangerous foes, if the trial is any guide.

From fear of looking like a complete incompetent, I won’t tell you how many times I’ve screwed up ‘New Plates’, the third of the five demo scenarios. I could pretend my string of failures was down to the fact I’m a minimum force zealot – someone who always tries to arrest rather than eliminate – but the truth is I’m regularly undone by the unpredictability of the map’s dozen-or-so enemies, and their excellent (compared to mine) marksmanship.

Hopefully, developer LastCall Studio will add customisable difficulty settings before release day.

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