Where am I? (FdO5)

The final set of clues to the Fox d’Or’s hiding place is one click away.

(No spoilers or solutions in the comments, please. The map in the title image isn’t a clue.)

Today’s location is in a town currently represented by a Labour MP with an unusual background. Arsenal’s Emirates Stadium has sufficient capacity to seat the entire population of the town. The town’s name contains 10 of the 26 letters of the alphabet, and the town’s mayor and deputy mayor are female. The spot you are searching for is a twenty minute walk from a sizeable brewery, a five-minute cycle ride from a cathedral, and a nine-minute drive from a control tower.

You’re probably in the right place if you can you see…

  • Walking boots
  • Circular windows
  • A hospital
  • An Uber Eats bag
  • Unappetising porridge
  • Decorative barge boards
  • The top of a big silo
  • A black Renault Kadjar
  • The word ‘alignment’
  • Luke

* * *

‘X’ marks the spot!

Managed to solve fd01, fd02, fd03, fd04, and fd05? While the Fox d’Or isn’t in or near any of these places, by using four of them (I’ll leave it up to you to work out which of the five is irrelevant) in combination with Google Maps, and the clues below, you should be able to pinpoint the prize’s actual hiding place.

The Fox d’Or is…

  • About 240 metres from a sign that includes the word “quickly”
  • Roughly 430 metres from a lofty landmark
  • Around 700 feet from the nearest Street Viewable location
  • A few paces from a bridleway
  • Roughly four feet above ground level
  • Close to some hard-to-decipher graffiti
  • Not visible

(You don’t need to climb, swim, or trespass in order to retrieve it, or disturb earth, vegetation, stones, or livestock.)

If the finder of the Fox d’Or either reports their success here, or contacts me by email so that I can announce it, that would be helpful.

Best of luck,

Tim and Roman


  1. I have a (I think) reasonable guess at a d’Or location, but haven’t found enough detail to be sure (and it’d be a stretch to arrange a visit even if I were sure, let alone for purposes of checking)!

    • Back from holiday I find myself in exactly this position. I’ve found all five sub-locations and have a preferred location for the d’Or itself as well as a couple of alternatives, but can’t convincingly line them up with the clues so they’re probably wrong.

      Roman, can I ask for a clarification? Is ‘About 240 metres from a sign that includes the word “quickly”’ visible and readable in StreetView?

  2. I’ll be annoyed if it’s within bow- or musket-shot of Donnington Castle.

    The trip was agreed at short notice, so not enough time to round up some confederates / do dirty deals for information.

      • Yes, as OurSuperior – though I’ve no idea how Discord handles messages: is it via mailboxes, or some instant thing where both parties ought to be online?

        Also, I’ve only pinpointed two locations. For the others I’ve got a probable town, a probable county and a possible country.

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