Where am I? (FdO4)

Treasure hunters searching for the hiding place of the priceless Fox d’Or will need to solve today’s puzzle in order to remain in the hunt.

(No spoilers or solutions in the comments, please. The map in the title image isn’t a clue.)

Today’s spot is in a British village that lost its railway station in 1968 and gained a ferocious landmark in 2022. If you type the name of the village into the search bar at sainsburys.co.uk, a tinned product costing almost four GBP will appear. The postcodes in the locality begin with alphabetically consecutive letters. The location you are searching for is on an even-numbered ‘A’ road, and is closer to a fire station than a school or public library.

You’re probably in the right spot if you can you see…

  • Jackdaws
  • Gorse
  • Mutilated barrels
  • Cineraria
  • A motte
  • An eight-arch railway viaduct
  • A colourful ‘train’
  • A Chinese takeaway
  • A Methodist church
  • A landmark with a musical name
  • A links golf course designed by Old Tom Morris
  • A sign warning motorists about frail pedestrians
  • The word ‘SHEPHERD’

(The final batch of Fox d’Or clues will appear next Monday)


  1. Colourful train ahoy! found in about 20 minutes this time. I’m still struggling to find #2, but I’m not losing hope yet!

  2. Mutilated barrels ahoy! The web analytics guy at Sainsbury’s is going to be absolutely baffled by the search traffic this week…

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