Unlike the formidable Friday foxers, the Monday kind are designed with lone truth sleuths in mind. While Roman, my Chief Foxer Setter, would be very interested to know how long it takes you to defox the following brainteaser, he requests that the comments section isn’t used to share solutions or drop hints.
Roman is on holiday this week, but thanks to the graft and guile of a volunteer foxer setter there’s no interruption to the puzzle supply. Today’s cranial callisthenics come courtesy of veteran defoxer, captaincabinets.
“Where am I?”
Using the following clues (the map above is purely decorative) in combination with Street View (all Solo Foxer solutions are Street Viewable), MAPfrappe, and other online tools, work out my location. The answer will appear under next Monday’s solo foxer.
Today I’m looking at a baobab tree, in a Francophone country which has only ever qualified twice for the World Cup. Roughly seventy five metres closer to a church than to a mosque, to reach the city’s pretty but non-functioning central station I’d have to take a short boat ride and an even shorter walk. About 13km away, as the crow flies, there’s a large monument built by North Koreans. I share a longitude with a national park that according to its name contains both a glacier and a lake, and a latitude with a very crowded capital city that has never hosted the Olympics.
You’re probably in the right place if you can see:
- Three small flights of steps
- A green wheelie bin
- A small stone sculpture at the base of a tree
- The top of a blue IGOL oil drum
- The Atlantic Ocean
I’m not in Pont-à-Mousson.
(Last week I was here)
Baobab, ahoy! This one seemed significantly quicker than the last few.
I fear that Roman is probably at least one standard deviation ahead of me on the bell curve of wiliness. But I hope you enjoyed the brief diversion all the same!
Oh! I would not have commented on difficulty had I noticed the guest credit! I did enjoy it though – thanks Captain!
You’re welcome and no offence taken, of course. Always tough as a first-time setter to get the difficulty right. Next time prepare to be bamboozled 🙂
Well done Captaincabinets, very nice foxer! I thought it would be a very easy one, as I guessed the city immediately, but it then took me something like 15 minutes to locate the Baobab and the Igol drum… nothing to be really proud of, I guess. 🙂