Tag angola 86


It’s been a perturbing week here on the Corner. The relentless attacks by crocodiles, cannibals, communists, and Canberras, don’t bother me, it’s the realisation that I may never feel towards Every Single Soldier’s latest COIN title the way I feel…


A is for Alphabetised wargame, sim, and site news. Every so often, assuming I can persuade Austerity’s Blackburn Cirrus Bombardier engine to perform the miracle of internal combustion, I spend a few days scouring Simulatia and Grognardia for stories with…

Angola ’86 diary (Day 3: Battle Group Befuddlement)

Endless village visits, supply runs, and thoroughfare minesweeping… Angola ’86 refuses to sex-up counter-insurgency ops. Unleavened, the daily grind of keeping the land now known as Namibia free of SWAPO troublemakers/freedom-fighters could start to drag after a while. Fortunately, whenever*…

Angola ’86 diary (Day 1: Bookish Beginnings)

I think I learned almost as much from Angola ’86’s fact-stuffed loading screen (see above) as I did from the game’s bare-bones tutorial. Brief, text-reliant, and awfully short on ‘learn-by-doing’ interactivity, the latter isn’t brilliant, but, backed by a good…

The COINy Angola ’86 costs 85 ten pence pieces

The news that the third of Every Single Soldier’s novel COIN wargames is finally available on Steam gives me a (feeble) excuse to type a word I’ve never typed before, and have an Omugulugwombashe at THC’s first rolling review. Starting…

Angola ’86 interview

Most wargames are designed by people without firsthand experience of their subjects. Currently in the early stages of beta testing, Angola ’86 springbucks the trend.

Carnage in Swanage

I’ve spent most of this week stretching and burnishing my pasty limbs on Southern England’s Jurassic Coast. Aware that the weather was going to be balmy and the beaches and footpaths inviting, I almost left my laptop at home. If…