Category Wargames

The Velicogna Verdict: Stout Hearts

THC is lucky enough to have an ex-KCL Wargame Studies lecturer amongst its guest contributors. Today, Arrigo Velicogna sings the praises of a solitaire board wargame that’s chock-a-block with Churchill tanks, chary Jerries, and chancy counterattacks.

Scramble ramble #1

The day is barely six hours old and I’ve already experienced one “crippling defeat”. If November 5 continues in this fashion, I’ll be bankrupt by sun-up, homeless by lunchtime, and dead by nightfall.

Hear the bell? Run like hell

A skillful ringer can communicate pretty subtle things with the THC scramble bell. For instance, the combination of clangs, bongs, and ting-tings that’s currently cacophonising the Corner tells me that Scramble: Battle of Britain is Early Accessible at long last,…

Lines of Battle: Waterloo won’t penalise plodders

This page about Leonardo Massaroli fails to mention one important fact about the Argentinian developer. He’s a wargamer. Leo has recently unveiled a web-based multiplayer-only prototype of a work-in-progress called Lines of Battle: Waterloo, and, a few hours ago,…

Combat Mission Olympiad: Turn 9

The French ATR team that bagged an armoured car last turn spend this sixty spooning rocks and hugging dirt. Despite the best efforts of the Gallic mortar team which uses all but one of its white-painted M302 rounds this turn,…