Category Wargames

Gaping Gettysburg gap

Although Steam’s gaping Gettysburg gap narrowed considerably on Saturday, until my favourite Battle of Gettysburg title joins the rather dear Scourge of War: Gettysburg in this line-up, Steam’s selection of wargames dedicated to the pivotal Pennsylvanian scrap, will remain glaringly…

Combat Mission Olympiad: Turn 2

While it’s theoretically possible that the distant dust clouds spotted by both teams during Turn 2 have been raised by restless breezes, stampeding camels, or whirling dervishes, by far the most likely culprits are Afrika Korps AFVs on the move.

Putting the gust in Carl Gustaf

Wrung all the fun out of Regiments’ long game? Birds Eye Games were thinking of you when they conceived and coded Winds of Change. Here’s what THC guest writer Martynas Klimas thinks of this newly released £11 adjunct.

Combat Mission Olympiad: Turn 1

Apart from the green ‘GO!’ flare fired into the sky by a match official at the very start of this turn, the Olympiad’s first minute of action is fireworks free. Both teams race their infantry and their mortar-team taxis towards…

Tanky tittle-tattle

A comment posted below this recent piece opened my eyes to the wonderful world of Armoured Commander 2 modding. Not that you’d know it from perusing AC2’s Steam page or forum (the modders share their wares via Discord) but Sudasana’s…

Playing Lithuania

As THC guest writer Martynas “JcDent” Klimas hails from Lithuania, a country I’ve never visited and know little about, I asked him if he’d be willing to combine some covert history teaching with some overt wargame coverage. He courageously accepted…

The 2024 Combat Mission Olympiad

Due to budget cuts, the 2024 CM Olympiad will consist of just one event – team play-by-comment Combat Mission: Afrika Korps – and involve just two teams – 2020 finalists France and Great Britain. Over the next fourteen weeks, said…