Category Wargames

Rogue Conflict risks being overlooked

As Advance Wars’ fictional setting and bland title didn’t seem to handicap it commercially, I guess there’s no reason why Rogue Conflict’s should. That said, I can’t shake the feeling that this demo-blessed upcoming wargame would have benefited from a…


V is for Vertical slice by the end of Feb. Red Orchestra-style multiplayer FPS ’83 should be sample-able by the end of next month. A project from the team that created Rising Storm and Rising Storm 2, this Cold War…


Q is for Quick fag card. I can’t look at card no.33 in Wills’ 1935 set ‘The Reign of H. M. King George V’ without thinking of a bizarre murder that occurred in Essex during WW2. At 1.45 on the…


L is for Last night I unwound with the help of FLEX Disc Golf. Recently bolstered with several new courses, this budget-priced offering manages to scratch multiple itches simultaneously. I enjoy its bucolic outdoor spaces, its dash of aeronautics, and…


G is for Game the rise and fall of a Great Plains superpower. Tired of 4Xing with fictional civs or highly stylised ‘historical’ ones? Because a free, GMT-approved version of Joel Toppen’s solitaire board game Comancheria has appeared in the…


Instead of making you wait until Friday for the first A2Z of 2025, I thought I’d chop it into five roughly equal portions, and post a portion a day every day this week.

Platoon Commander prematurely pilloried

Pay no heed to curstking, Brumes Wolf, and GenXGamer, the three people who’ve Steam reviewed the Platoon Commander demo so far*. While this available-since-Monday trial currently has more rough edges than a gritstone rhombhectotriadiohedron, it’s also the closest thing to…

Year Four

Apologies, I was too busy glugging Lemsip and mopping up snot in late December to put together the usual end-of-year digest. As my sinuses no longer feel like treacle-soaked sponges, my throat like a frogspawn-filled flute, here’s a belated look…

If I show you mine…

…will you show me yours? My Steam ‘Year in Review’ for 2024 contained a few surprises. For instance, I was somewhat taken aback to discover that I’d fired up Tabletop Simulator 208 times last year, and, for 49 consecutive days…

RIP Game-Labs?

Recent forum posts and Steam news items indicate Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts and Ultimate General: American Revolution will get no further updates. As eagle-eyed genre analyst The Historical Gamer noted in a Boxing Day video, the fact that pivotal GL personnel…