Friday Foxer #211

This week’s handmade co-op puzzle won’t defox itself. If you’re a dab hand at quizzes, lateral thinking, and search engine sleuthing, why not help out.

The ‘cluster foxer’ is regarded by some as the most demanding form. Solving one involves identifying 25 pictures and five hidden themes. The enlargeable mosaic below consists of five interlocked picture clusters (some possible cluster arrangements are shown above) each with its own theme. Themes have nothing in common with each other. Don’t be surprised to find, for example, “Crocodiles”, “Tulip mania”, “Words beginning with “ter””, “1948” and “Fictional policemen” sharing a puzzle. A picture’s connection to a particular theme won’t always be literal. An image of the Brandenburg Gate is just as likely to be part of a “Bach” cluster as a “Berlin” one.

In an attempt to ensure as many people as possible get a chance to participate, Roman requests defoxers solve no more than five squares per person on Day 1, and guess no more than one cluster theme. (After 24 hours have elapsed, fill your boots!). Use your ration to complete an entire horizontal, vertical, or diagonal line before anyone else to win ‘Connect 5’ bragging rights.

* * *


Last week’s collage foxer theme: African capitals (defoxed by copperbottom)

algiers (Nutfield)
antananarivo (Colonel_K)
bamako (copperbottom)
bangui (a_monk)
cairo (a_monk)
conakry (Phlebas)
dakar (Colonel_K)
juba (a_monk)
khartoum (Nutfield)
luanda (a_monk)
mogadishu (unacom)
monrovia (Froggster)
tripoli (Nutfield)


  1. Mrs Nutfield just went crazy and gave me answers to E2, C4, E4 & B4:

    But we are only allowed 1 more, so i’ll take:

    E2 – Hero, a game of adventure in the catacombs

  2. Re: A2. it’s difficult to guess what might be the relevant keyword

    The planes are the Short Mayo Composite (a piggy-back long-range seaplane and flying boat combination), Mercury atop Maia.
    The plaque is on the Dundee waterfront commemorating the world record long-distance seaplane flight in 1938,-2.9691274,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipN6YWmjQtn0i-dw2QfgM_u5fGWCHrCCnL1v8J6s!2e10!3e12!!7i4000!8i3000!4m9!3m8!1s0x48865db9738fe3ab:0x818090450b11251a!8m2!3d56.4560904!4d-2.9691274!10e5!14m1!1BCgIgAQ!16s%2Fg%2F11fjtp4ds4!5m1!1e1?entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI1MDExNC4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D

  3. A5. The submersible Star III outside the Birch Aquarium (next to the Scipps Institute of Oceanography),-117.2493571,3a,75y,340.86h,82.64t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sScEEjY6cJ9eidEFk10RkMA!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI1MDExNC4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D

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