Win Firefight, a multi-front WW2 RTT with a talent for jungle warfare

As I pointed out a few weeks ago, Firefight is one of Steam’s hidden gems. Anyone who has Close Combat-ted contentedly in the past, is sure to appreciate its elegance, plausibility, and scope (western, eastern, and Pacific/Asian fronts) – its knack for making you care about tiny named soldier sprites with very human responses to peril and pain.

Sean O’Connor, the veteran solo developer behind Firefight, has kindly donated ten Steam activation codes to THC, and, as usual, my cryptic colleague, Roman, would rather die than give away these codes without some form of hoop-jumping.

The hoops in this instance are six AFV pics taken from Firefight’s powerful skirmish generator. Send me (tim at tallyhocorner dot com) the names of at least four of the vehicles pictured below before midnight GMT on Saturday, and your name will go into the hat for Sunday’s prize draw. Send me the names of all six AFVs and your name will go into the hat twice.

(Winners will be notified on Sunday or Monday. If you’ve not heard anything by Monday night – better luck next time. Only one entry per person, and no answers in the comments, please.)


  1. I did not have it in my heart to once again enter the lottery for a thing that I desire to have so much, so I just went and bought it.

    My heart yearns for a good CC experience. Here is hoping that AI is not as toothless on offensive as it was in CC

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