Where am I?

Using the following clues (the map above is purely decorative) in combination with Street View, work out my location.

Although Roman, THC’s chief puzzlewright, would be interested to know how long it takes you to solve this solo foxer, he’d rather you didn’t put spoilers or solutions in the comments.

Today, you could say I’m somewhere indistinct. The spot you are seeking is less than four miles from a lightvessel, less than one mile from a cricket pitch, and less than 100 metres from a fruity landmark. Within 300 metres of my location there are three lifeboat stations, two of which are disused. Under two kilometres away is a castle built before Salisbury Cathedral. The road I’m standing on was once the trackbed of historic railway. Within the UK, I’m in a constituency that is represented in Parliament by an MP who has competed in sport at the highest level and who delivered their maiden speech in 2017. The closest motorway has more junctions than the M1, and no airlines use the nearest airport. Two film stars own a house in the locality as does a well-known screenwriter.

You are probably in the right place if you can see…

  • Corgis
  • Crenellations
  • Bearskins
  • Barrels
  • Bunting
  • A red Honda Jazz
  • An 18th Century lighthouse
  • The words ‘ice cream for dogs’
  • The words ‘SIDNEY SMITH’

(Last week I was here)


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