Fire & Maneuver “was hell for us to develop”

You have to admire the brutal honesty on show in the 25-minute post-mortem video embedded below the break. According to studio head, Griffin Johnson, Armchair History Interactive embarked on their first wargame without a clear plan and proceeded to make a string of classic beginner’s mistakes.

Over-ambition, feature creep, an inappropriate business model, haphazard studio expansion… it sounds like almost everything that could go wrong, did go wrong.

The good news is the Armchair Historian seems to have learned a great deal from F&M’s difficulties. His next game, Master of Command: Seven Years War, will have a much narrower focus. Turns and tiles are out along with one of the features that proved so problematic during F&M’s gestation – multiplayer.

Judging from the above vid, on the battlefield Master of Command: Seven Years War will have quite a bit in common with Ultimate General.

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