Where am I?

Using the following clues (the map above is purely decorative) in combination with Street View, work out my location.

Although Roman, THC’s chief puzzlewright, would be interested to know how long it takes you to solve this solo foxer, he’d rather you didn’t put spoilers or solutions in the comments.

Today, you’ll find me on an island approximately the same size as the Isle of Wight. I’m in a town that has a bear on its coat of arms. The town is in a country that’s ruled by a minority government at the moment, has a successful sportsman on the throne, and a photo of a heavily bombed town on its Wikipedia page. If the name of the town I’m in was split into two between its sixth and seventh letter, two words found in the OED would be the result. The nearest church to my location lies to the SSE and is busiest on a Saturday.

You are probably in the right place if you can see…

  • A chef
  • A shopping trolley
  • A snowmobile
  • Snow fences
  • Two anthropomorphised lifeboats
  • The word ‘POLYGON’
  • A ship with a 2000+ passenger capacity
  • A phallic parking meter
  • Petunias
  • No snow

(Last week I was here)


  1. Lifeboats ahoy! found in about 30 minutes today, I initially got misled by a different sport-savvy sovereign.

  2. Does 14 hours count since I read the clues? Although a friend and I have only been working on it steadily for about four or five hours. We are really bad at this, arent we.

  3. Found the right spot in about 20 minutes, quite fast for me (despite being misdirected similarly to yiwoja), but took at least another 10 to place all of the elements within view. Good one!

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