Friday Foxer #133

Every Friday at 1300 hours, Tally-Ho Corner’s cleverest clogs come together to solve a ‘foxer’ handcrafted by my sadistic chum and colleague, Roman. A complete ‘defoxing’ sometimes takes several days and usually involves the little grey cells of many readers.

Every puzzle piece in this jigsaw foxer features an image taken from a Wikipedia page beginning with the letter *REDACTED*. To fully defox the puzzle, supply Roman with a list of all 36 Wikipedia pages.

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Last week’s collage theme: Yevgeny Prigozhin (defoxed by Colonel_K)

Component demystifiers: Colonel_K, Electric Dragon, ylla, AbyssUK, and Aergistal


  1. E2. Workers’ Party of Korea – The Monument to Party Founding in Pyongyang, erected in 1995

  2. C3. Wagner Group rebellion

    ETA: A1. Waders – Fly fishermen using chest waders to stay dry

  3. B5. Werner Voss – WW1 German ace, Fokker triplane

    ETA: F1. Worry beads – “Loud” method

    • B1. Walt Whitman – American poet, essayist, and journalist

      ETA: A5. Waugoshance Light – ruined lighthouse, northern end of Lake Michigan

  4. Re: D6. I reckon it’s the London Planetarium (or a facsimile of it – green dome, planet with ring) but can’t figure out what W it might be.
    It’s not ‘Westminster’.

  5. E6. WKW Wilk – (Wolf) is a modern anti-materiel and/or sniper rifle produced in Poland by the Zakłady Mechaniczne Tarnów factory, Vietnamese soldier using

  6. Re: D1. It’s Old Abe (May 27, 1861 – March 26, 1881), a bald eagle and the mascot of the 8th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry Regiment in the American Civil War. The picture is labelled “Old Abe and the color guard at Vicksburg, July 1863”
    Can’t figure out what W it belongs with; it’s not 8th Wisconsin Volunteer… nor War Eagle.

    ETA: It’s plain, old WISCONSIN. (mumbles) Stupid Wisconsin.

  7. E1. Wartburg (marque) – if I understand correctly it’s actually a Melkus RS 1000 racing car, just has the same sort of engine as the Wartburg 353
    (The front end doesn’t look too bad, but it all goes wrong from the windshield back).

    Remaining (e&oe):
    B2, B4
    D2, D3, D4

  8. C5 is a picture of the Wounded Knee massacre aftermath visible on the page of the Wounded Knee Massacre.

    • E3. Waterloo & City line – The Waterloo and City Electrical Underground Railway, view at entance to air-lock

      • Nice find! Not easy to find at all.

        Regarding F5, it seems to me to be three similar symbols (barrels?), separated by line like in heraldry. But I can t find anything like it. Also, I wonder if this is a peaked cap or a more civilian version, like for a driver or a firefighter. That feather is also puzzling me.

        • F5. Worshipful Company of Vintners – found on the Swan Upping page
          (I did have the feeling he was Waterman-adjacent in some way).

          Re: E3. That was fairly straightforward, once I gave up on the idea of it being a Sherlock Holmes adventure (the Engineer’s Thumb): “victorian illustration underground railway”, black & white.

          I was close the A3. Waist Chop, finding a couple of victims, but I was using the phrase “cut in half” when the actual page uses “cut in two”. Ah well.

          • Re F5, I was so far away, looking for police or railway company badges.

            Re E3, I came very close when looking for tunnelling shield techniques in Wikipedia. I just didn’t realise it until you had find it.

            Re A3, I followed a totally different route. I looked for Wikipedia picture about dismemberment, found the article on the subject. Then, I checked for related article and found that there was Waist Chop in the list.

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