Task Force Admiral jpegs judged

Choosing winners in the TFA screenshot competition proved harder than expected, but the Hanging Committee (myself, Amiral Crapaud, Julien, and Reis) did eventually manage to skim the double-cream from the cream. The four fab images that bagged prizes are displayed below along with some of the other rectangular reasons judging was so difficult.

^ The top prize – a deluxe digital edition TFA pre-order – went to ‘Tailgunner’s Dilemma – Bail Out or Seppuku?’ by MAD MAX, SWO. The judges loved the strong composition, the abundance of drama, and the bold use of colour. If pop artist Roy Lichtenstein had submitted a screenshot, it probably would have looked something like this.

^ One of the three standard digital editions was awarded to the masterfully titled and constructed ‘This is for Pearl’ by 19RAF MJDixon (QV-J). There were several striking pics of in flagrante dive bombers amongst the submissions, but the judges felt this one was the most pleasing and painterly.

^ Exceptionally naturalistic and dynamic, ‘Arduous Aggressor (Part 2)’ secured 7TP_Jw a prize. Grey-scaled and slightly blurred, this image wouldn’t look out of place amongst the photographic plates of a Pacific carrier battles history book.

^ ‘Sunday Punch’ lives up to its title beautifully, and grabbed the last of the prizes as a result. The artful way screenshotter Nafeij has juxtaposed SBD, carrier, and bombed brine, is – I think you’ll agree – pretty special.

Many other submissions either came within a whisker of success, or impressed us with their unconventionality, drama, poignancy, or wit. Here’s a small selection from our ‘honourable mentions’ shortlist:

^ ‘Two fish on the way’ by ironsmack

^ ‘Shattered sword’ by Hauggy

^ ‘Get those birds off the deck’ by Heinzy Guders

^ ‘Zero range’ by recoeel

^ ‘Kamikaze Kate’ by bofors

A big thank you on behalf of Tally-Ho Corner and Drydock Dreams Games to everyone who took part. Perusing your pics has been a real pleasure. Prize winners, I’ll be contacting you shortly through Steam.

One comment

  1. Some stellar images in here. Well done to all those who participated! And I’d agree: Tailgunners Dillema is very eye catching. I hope we see some of these in the Steam Store carousel!

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