Every Friday, Tally-Ho Corner’s cleverest clogs come together to solve a ‘foxer’ handcrafted by my sadistic chum and colleague, Roman. A complete ‘defoxing’ sometimes takes several days and usually involves the little grey cells of many readers.
Each pic in this foxer is taken from a Wikipedia page beginning with the letter REDACTED. To fully defox the puzzle, supply Roman with a list of all 25 Wikipedia pages.
In an attempt to ensure as many people as possible get a chance to participate, Roman requests defoxers solve no more than five discs per person on Day 1. (After 24 hours have elapsed, fill your boots!). Use your ration to complete an entire horizontal or vertical line before anyone else to win ‘Connect 5’ bragging rights.
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Last week’s geofoxer theme: the constellation, Orion (defoxed by Phlebas)
a. rigel (Colonel_K)
b. sword (Phlebas)
c. draper (Phlebas)
d. bellatrix (Mrs Nutfield)
e. club (Colonel_K)
f. orion (Phlebas)
g. belt (Froggster)
h. hunter (copperbottom, Colonel_K)
i. ori (Nutfield)
j. running man (Mrs Nutfield, Colonel_K)
k. orion (Colonel_K, Phlebas)
l. betelgeuse (Colonel_K)
C4 – Vlad the Impaler, the inspiration for Dracula, member of the Order of the Dragon.