Every Friday, Tally-Ho Corner’s cleverest clogs come together to solve a ‘foxer’ handcrafted by my sadistic chum and colleague, Roman. A complete ‘defoxing’ sometimes takes several days and usually involves the little grey cells of many readers. All are welcome to participate.
The honeycomb below is a fancy form of wordsearch in which every cell is used, and words can curl and zigzag but never overlap. Each hive foxer has a theme (some past ones: owls, rugby, Egypt, UFOs…). Identifying the theme is a vital part of the defoxing process.
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Last week’s ‘33 Things Wot You Might Find In A Park’ missing vowels foxer:
1. SFTN – sefton
2. SRP NTNSLRSHTTL – serpentine solarshuttle (copperbottom)
3. TRMTR L – trim trail
4. PRTRLL PTBHN – prater liliputbahn (Colonel_K)
5. TMSQRR L – tame squirrel (Zwack23)
6. THCHR ST MSRD – the christmas raid (Nutfield)
7. PN GNDP RDT – pongo and perdita (Colonel_K)
8. KTFST VL – kite festival (copperbottom)
9. PLRGNM – pelargonium (Nutfield)
10. QNCR LN SBTH – queen caroline’s bath (Nutfield)
11. PNRNGPRC HTSTND RJC QSGRN RN – pioneering parachutist André-Jacques Garnerin (copperbottom)
12. BLV DRCSTL – belvedere castle (Zwack23)
13. SP KRSCRNR – speakers corner (copperbottom)
14. RT HQKSHCK – earthquake shack (copperbottom)
15. LTPL LDW N – lat pull down
16. MR MRFTRF FC – murmur of traffic (Nutfield)
17. YN NMDY MTHDD STL TFLL – yininmadyemi thou didst let fall (Colonel_K)
18. DL CRTTHTR – delacorte theater (Nutfield)
19. KPF FTHG RS SSG N – keep off the grass sign (copperbottom)
20. FLR LCLCK – floral clock (copperbottom)
21. PR GMTRNM – prague metronome (Nutfield)
22. T HRM N SFTHRG NLRK MCTHD RL – the remains of the original Urakami Cathedral (Phlebas)
23. FL LWDR – fallow deer (Zwack23)
24. DRBR – durbar (Colonel_K)
25. THNS PHR – the unisphere (Colonel_K)
26. PLMH S – palm house (Zwack23)
27. BRT HP LCFT HSM MRFL V – birthplace of the summer of love (Phlebas)
28. PC NCHMPR – picnic hamper (Phlebas)
29. FLL NLVS – fallen leaves (Zwack23)
30. RT RCTBLLD – retractable lead (copperbottom)
31. VCT RNDN SRRPLC – victorian dinosaur replica (Phlebas)
32. PK MNGPLY R – pokemon go player (Phlebas)
33. SCH NRCL LDW SP – a schooner called wasp (Phlebas)
More clusters of repeated letters than might be expected this week, I think.
H5. BRAHMS, but no Lizst
B2. FLORAL, or FLOREAT but no Etona
B5 – PANIC, possibly PANIC ON if the category is Madder Rose albums.
K1. WHAM !
ETA: G5. ABRA for small boats
i7. can add March to make a cheerful DEATHMARCH
Things associated with Tigers
G7. DEATH-MARCH – Tiger Death-March into North Korea, named after the commander; George Blake was on it
E6. SUNBEAM – two models of car: 1925 and 1960s
B2. FEET – track by glam-rockers Mud
F9. CELTIC ? – Irish economic boom starting in the 90s
Pretty much stumped now. There are two TIMs: at E9. and K4.
No Ks for King (King Tiger or Tiger King) nor Tanaka (You Only Live Twice)
No X for Joe Exotic
Not even a Frosties or Tony (They’re GreAATTT!)
or Esso (Put a tiger in your tank, if that’s the right company)
D2 or E2 LILY
H11 – TONY
C4 or D3 could give tiger ROLL (grand national winner)
I’ll see if i can finish the tiger off…
F2 – FISH… Yes, my powers of deduction haven’t dulled over xmas.
L7 – GANG (obscure film, probably not)
E2 or maybe E3 – LIFE OF PI
K1 – WAT PHA LUANG TA BUA YANASAMPANNO (Tiger Temple, Mrs Nutfield) Wtf
A4 – MANTACORE, the spelling confused me but it’s the tiger that attacked Siegried and Roy.
Ah -ha, i see i have competition 🙂
A4 – MANTACORE – A white tiger used by siegfried and roy
L5 tiger RAG (jazz standard)
Probably ought to be L4. Panzer VI
And it looks to me that Roll and Mantacore both use the same O
D’oh, should have clocked the Panzer VI.
Yeah, the roll looks out now, but what to do with that cluster of ls I have no clue…
I’m thinking that it, in fact, ought to be Panzer VIE (Tiger I, as opposed to VIB = Tiger II)
J1 – HU in Chinese means Tiger and it’s the name of a tiger in the secret life of pets 2.
E4. ARL – for the ARL-44, ‘the French tiger’?
Then we could have ‘lilly’ (which apparently is valid for the flower,no thought it was only for the first name)
Can we pretend C2 is a K and then we at least have SHARK at F4 :p
I don’t think HU is right but god know what you do with the QUA.
For F4, I found a Captain Tiger Sarll.
Here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiger_Sarll
Then i2. Amur is correct, it is L4. Panzer VIE, and the remaining letters spell:
J1. HUNQUAH – a tiger-hunting practise from Bengal of setting fire to grass ten or twenty miles around a jungle so that beaters can drive the fleeing animals into a mile of netting.