Friday Foxer #193

Every Friday, Tally-Ho Corner’s cleverest clogs come together to solve a ‘foxer’ handcrafted by my sadistic chum and colleague, Roman. A complete ‘defoxing’ sometimes takes several days and usually involves the little grey cells of many readers. All are welcome to participate.

The honeycomb below is a fancy form of wordsearch in which every cell is used, and words can curl and zigzag but never overlap. Each hive foxer has a theme (some past ones: owls, rugby, Egypt, UFOs…). Identifying the theme is a vital part of the defoxing process.

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Last week’s geofoxer theme: the numbers 501 to 512

501 = E (Phlebas, a_monk)
502 = C (Viscount)
503 = I (Phlebas)
504 = B (Phlebas)
505 = K (a_monk)
506 = F (Zwack23)
507 = D (Colonel_K, a_monk)
508 = G (Phlebas)
509 = A (Phlebas)
510 = J (copperbottom, a_monk)
511 & 512 = H (a_monk)


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