Combat Mission Olympiad: Turn 6

Mars, Ares, Odin, Huītzilōpōchtli… I’ve been fortunate enough to interview quite a few gods of war during my time as a wargame correspondent. While most of them seemed to respect bravery and self-sacrifice, to a man/deity they all sneered, sniggered, or guffawed when I raised the subject of fairness.

Last turn, the British Crusader fired three shots at the enemy armoured car and missed every time. Its gunner is preparing to loose shot number four at the mosque-bound (?) PSW, when he sees a muzzle flash a short distance NE of his target. Before anyone aboard has the chance to ask “Does that shell have our name on it?” the question is answered.

One of CMx1’s distinctive 3D projectiles (ringed in the above screenshot)…

…hurtles past Team GB’s most valuable asset, and buries itself in the desert floor not far away.

The alarmed Tommy gunlayer shifts his crosshairs with admirable alacrity. At T+8 a 57mm reply is sent on its way, and at T+9 that reply collides with something that, going by the generic contact icon, could be the front of the jerry halftrack.

Eventually the dust/smoke clears sufficiently to permit positive identification of the holed hornet.

Nice work Sgt Scarborough & Co, you just nailed a Panzer IIIJ!

Clearly narked, the Germans aren’t slow to respond. Circa T+40, a small infantry unit – presumably the ATR team – dashes from cover at E14 to launch an attack on the Crusader. Moments before a burst from a coaxial Besa MG puts the fear of God into them, the Axis anti-tankists clang the sloped turret of the cruiser tank with a fine long-range shot.

When the clock stops, the ATR team looks to be crawling back whence it came, the Bren Gun Carrier is chugging along the outside of the villa’s east wall, and the pilot and mortar team have relocated without incident. The only Brit units with uncompleted movement orders are the Carrier, and the tired half-team heading for F26. The PSW was last seen circa E12/D12.

* * *

I wish I could provide Team France with a similarly cheering report, but I’m afraid I can’t.

This turn the solid teamwork of the French tank and the nearby ATR team didn’t produce a kill yet arguably deserved one.

Both units fired on the AC twice during the sixty. The shoot-and-scoot-ing Crusader’s first miss came soon after it had ascended the slope, the second shortly after it had come under (thankfully inaccurate) fire from an AFV that turned out to be the Panzer III.

The Boys boys scored a hit with their second shot, but unfortunately the round broke up after striking the PSW’s turret front.

When the turn ends…

The French ATR rifle team is preparing to fire for a third time as the buttoned AC descends into the village, and the stationary Panzer is peering into the dust clouds at C25 wondering where the reversing Crusader has got to.

Having showed itself at T+50, the enemy halftrack is motoring south along column H. Watching its progress is the westernmost of the French infantry squads

The airman has rendezvoused with the infantry HQ, and, although still ‘shocked’ and ‘shaken’ the Carrier is now receptive to orders.



    Well, that was a thrilling update, and I suppose it answers the question of whether the Krauts spotted the Crusader. Fourth time lucky indeed, for the man behind the 57mm, and it gives us a solid points cushion and the ability to be a bit more aggressive with manoeuvering our armour—the PSW is definitely still a threat, but somewhat less serious one.

    I think it’s probably time to move the tank, but I don’t have any really solid ideas for where it should go. I would like to break contact with the Germans, but I suspect I would have to reverse an awfully long way before that happens, if I don’t want to give the German AT team or the armored car a tempting side view.

    Oneknown, do you want the AT Rifle team up with the rest of the infantry this turn, or is it fine staying in overwatch where it is?

    • I agree we should displace the tank ASAP. Getting away from their AT rifle is a priority, but the 20mm autocannon is the larger one.

      It’s worth noting that the tank is abandoned, not knocked out, so it is possible they’ll recrew it later on in the battle.

      I think the AT team and the squad near the house should move up together, probably with a 30 seconds pause to let our tired half squad arrive first.

      This turn I’m going to have as many troops as possible rest and prepare since once we get up to the hill we risk their mortar.

      • I’m hoping that ‘abandoned’ in this case means ‘enough crew has died to make it non-functional’, but I suppose we’ll see in the coming turns. A penetrating hit to the turret is about as good as you can hope for, in terms of knocking out 3/5 or more of the crew.

        Can crew from other vehicles (or random infantry) fill in, or is crew linked to a specific vehicle in CMAK?

        I don’t know how LOS is looking (question for @Tim, perhaps?), but maybe the mortar team can land a few bombs on the German AT rifle team, and thus eliminate another threat.

        • >> Can crew from other vehicles (or random infantry) fill in, or is crew linked to a specific vehicle in CMAK?

          I’m 98% certain abandoned vehicles in CMAK are effectively KOed for the duration of the scenario. If this battle was part of an operation then there’d be a chance of recovery and repair.

          Re LOS. Currently, the mortar crew can’t see the ATR, or much of the higher ground on which the village or mosque sit. Besides a few squares on row 23, its view NW is blocked by the lip of the nearest slope and/or buildings .


    Infantry commander, will you be able to poke your head out for a while to give our mortar a chance to scare the AFVs or even some infantry over there?

    • We were a bit unlucky this round! With the Panzer looking my way, I think the Crusader will have to stay put for the moment. Interesting that the ATR has not come under scrutiny from the AC or the Panzer yet. Hopefully it stays that way. It’s clear the AC has other objectives on its mind.

  3. @Tim Orders for Mortar Team and Carrier ORDERS

    Bren Carrier is to rest one turn more

    Mortar Team to move to I32, around the corner and set up there in hopes of establishing LoS over at least some of the battlefield

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