Friday Foxer #188

Every Friday, Tally-Ho Corner’s cleverest clogs come together to solve a ‘foxer’ handcrafted by my sadistic chum and colleague, Roman. A complete ‘defoxing’ sometimes takes several days and usually involves the little grey cells of many readers.

Each pic in this foxer is taken from a Wikipedia page beginning with the letter REDACTED. To fully defox the puzzle, supply Roman with a list of all 25 Wikipedia pages.

In an attempt to ensure as many people as possible get a chance to participate, Roman requests defoxers solve no more than five discs per person on Day 1. (After 24 hours have elapsed, fill your boots!). Use your ration to complete an entire horizontal, vertical, or diagonal line before anyone else to win ‘Connect 5’ bragging rights.

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Last week’s geofoxer theme: the Falkland Islands (defoxed by ylla)

a. ajax bay (Colonel_K)
b. port howard (Zwack23)
c. mount pleasant (ylla) or sparrow cove (Phlebas)
d. speedwell island (ylla)
e. mount challenger (Colonel_K)
f. goose green (Phlebas)
g. bodie creek (Colonel_K)
h. chartres (ylla)
i. concordia bay (ylla)
j. carcass island (Aergistal, Colonel_K)
k. fitzroy (Colonel_K)
l. stanley (Phlebas)


  1. I confirm that the letter is W.

    11. Willow – Art installation “Sandworm” in the Wenduine Dunes, Belgium, made entirely out of willow
    12. Walrus
    13. Wheelchair fencing
    14. Wyoming – State flower of Wyoming: Indian paintbrush
    15. Wandjina

    6. WEIRD WEST genre – Space Western number 44, Charlton Comics, June 1952.
    21. WRASSE – Humphead wrasse, Cheilinus undulatus

    just needs 16. for the vertical

  3. 17. WEST BERLIN – East German water cannon in front of the Brandenburg Gate, August 1961


    20. WARCHALKING – street graffiti indicating Wi-Fi availability

    5. and 25. are open for Super-diagonals

  4. Here are all the answers I found:

    1. Wristlock
    2. Wobbly-web wheel
    3. Wiphala
    6. Weird West
    8. Westland Wallace
    10. Wire Fox Terrier
    11. Willow
    12. Walrus
    13. Wheelchair fencing
    14. Wyoming – State flower of Wyoming: Indian paintbrush
    15. Wandjina
    17. West Berlin
    18. Winged monkeys
    21. Wrasse
    23. Whitehall Street
    24. Wewe Gombel
    25. Wedding at Cana (Damaskinos)

    Remaining discs to solve: 4, 5 and 22.

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