Where am I? (FdO3)

On the trail of the fabulous Fox d’Or? Although what you seek isn’t at the location indicated by the following clues, you’ll need to solve today’s puzzle in order to find the gilded coop-raider.

(No spoilers or solutions in the comments, please. The map in the title image isn’t a clue.)

Today you’re searching for a Street Viewable spot in a village in a coast-boasting English county. On the Wikipedia page of the village in question there’s a photograph that includes anglers, and a brief description of a Victorian colliery disaster. The county in question has no blue on its flag, and, according to the BGS, has been earthquake-free for the past fifty days. The nearest county cricket ground to today’s spot last hosted a test match in July of last year. The nearest motorway is around a mile away and has a pronic number as an identifier. The nearest National Trust property is about ten kilometres distant. Said property has a theatrical claim to fame and is home to several ghosts. There are two golf courses within a mile of Fd03. Both have nine holes and botanical names.

You’re probably in the right spot if you can you see…

  • Pugs
  • Poplars
  • Picnic benches
  • Cotoneaster berries
  • Catenary
  • Ripples
  • Three ambulances
  • A silver Toyota Auris
  • A wagon wheel
  • More panes than people
  • The words ‘KUNG FU’
  • The words ‘BLACK BOX’

(The final two Fox d’Or clues will be posted on July 1 and July 8)


  1. Ambulances ahoy! found in about an hour, I passed in front of the spot a couple of times until I found it.

  2. Pugs, ahoy! More straightforward than last week’s, but still more challenging than I expected from the number of clues.

  3. Kung Fu, 啊喂!

    I was almost ready to give up the hunt after last week’s brainbruiser (which I still haven’t located), but I’m back in the game! That was a fun one.

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