Where am I?

Using the following clues (the map above is purely decorative) in combination with Street View, work out my location.

Although Roman, THC’s chief puzzlewright, would be interested to know how long it takes you to solve this solo foxer, he’d rather you didn’t put spoilers or solutions in the comments.

Today you’ll find me in a province that emerged from THC’s word mincer as ‘sly moan’. The province is in country that doesn’t have a cross or vertical stripes on its flag, and is in NATO and has four other NATO members amongst its neighbours. There’s a photo of something resembling a masked/armed yeti on the country’s Wikipedia page. About 5km from a piscine museum, 6.75km from a part of the devil’s anatomy, and 2.7 miles from a canine statue, I’m roughly 80km from the closest coastline. Said coast is in a foreign country and will be lapped by its next high tide at approximately 3.06 PM local time, today.

You are probably in the right place if you can see…

  • Honey
  • Tetrapods
  • Two pedestrians
  • Two stuffed foxes
  • A patriotic roof
  • A water buffalo
  • No road markings
  • A wooden ‘police station’
  • A dam
  • A sign recommending the use of snow chains
  • No snow

(Last week I was here)


  1. I think Roman might have made a mistake this week. By my reckoning there are four other NATO countries neighbouring the one you’re looking for. I expect Tim will be along soonish to clarify. Caveat Defoxer though, I could be wrong.

    Anyhow, Honey ahoy!

    • >>By my reckoning there are four other NATO countries neighbouring the one you’re looking for.

      You are correct. No more vintage cider at lunchtime for Roman until he proves it doesn’t impair his foxer setting!

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