Friday Foxer #152

Every Friday at 1300 hours, Tally-Ho Corner’s cleverest clogs come together to solve a ‘foxer’ handcrafted by my sadistic chum and colleague, Roman. A complete ‘defoxing’ sometimes takes several days and usually involves the little grey cells of many readers. All readers are welcome to assist.

To completely defox today’s word chain you’ll need to provide Roman with the sequence of 24 words suggested by the clues below.

A word can be any length and is linked to the next word in the chain by its last two, three, or four letters. For instance ‘honeysuckle’ might be followed by ‘leviathan’. ‘Handel’ could come next. Then ‘delta’. And so on. Complicating things a tad are the six green italicised clues. These have been shuffled. For example “An Asian desert” probably doesn’t refer to word #16.

1. A stunning Asian butterfly that’s half deer, half teutonic bigwig
2. A Royal Navy gun brig that participated in the Battle of Copenhagen
3. The respiratory form of this disease is much deadlier than the cutaneous form
4. A word sometimes seen before tax, herd, and pad
5. A moon discovered in the year this chap was born
6. A word sometimes seen before shoe and after freight
7. A passenger aircraft crashed into this unusual European peak in the Eighties
8. There’s one in this pic
9. This vessel
10. A jerry-built English abbey
11. Founded in Bavaria in the 18th Century
12. Its most famous landmark was nicked by Italian forces in 19**
13. A colour, a hospital ship, and a North Sea oil field
14. This PC game
15. A waterfall within sight of a Band of Brothers filming location
16. An Asian desert
17. A mineral sometimes found in art galleries, hot springs, and branches of TK Maxx
18. This African empress
19. Only monarchs can do this
20. A short story penned by this man
21. A European light metro station that opened in April 2015
22. He was rubbed out twice by Uncle Joe
23. A decent Descent descendant
24. Caused the death of Louis (the Something) of France?

* * *


Last week’s cluster foxer:

Sidney Bechet (defoxed by Colonel_K)
E5. Expo 58 (Colonel_K)
E4. “The Night Is a Witch” (Colonel_K)
E3. Saxophone (Phlebas)
E2. Steppenwolf (Colonel_K)
D2. Petite Fleur (Aergistal)

Weather Underground Organization (defoxed by Colonel_K)
A1. Prairie Fire (Colonel_K)
B1. Haymarket Police Memorial (Colonel_K, Phlebas)
C1. Pentagon (Electric Dragon, Colonel_K)
D1. Brinks-Mat robbery
E1. Fort Dix (Colonel_K)

Predominantly female military forces (defoxed by ylla)
B4. Israeli 33rd “Caracal” Battalion (Colonel_K)
B5. Las Marianas (Colonel_K)
C5. Erato Detachment (Colonel_K)
D5. Greenfinches (Colonel_K)
D4. YPJ (Phlebas)

R vs Penguin Books Ltd (defoxed by Viscount)
A5. Trial (Phlebas, ylla)
A4. Penguin (Phlebas)
A3. E M Forster (Aergistal)
A2. John Robinson (Aergistal)
B2. R (Aergistal)

Newest chemical elements ()
C2. NHIndustries (Colonel_K)
B3. Lviv (ylla)
C3. Tsar Bell (Colonel_K)
D3. OGRE (Nutfield)
C4. McLaren (Phlebas)


  1. 2 is a bit ambiguous – apart from there being at least two battles of Copenhagen, the captured Danish brigs from the 1807 battle became RN brigs afterwards.

    Royal Navy brigs at the time of the 1801 battle:

    Captured Danish brigs:

    3. ANTHRAX
    12* AXUM
    5. UMBRIEL
    6. ELEVATOR?
    16* TENGRI?
    9. GRIFFON
    10. FONTHILL
    11. Founded in Bavaria in the 18th Century – ILLUMINATI?
    4* A word sometimes seen before tax, herd, and pad
    13. A colour, a hospital ship, and a North Sea oil field
    14. This PC game
    15. A waterfall within sight of a Band of Brothers filming location – GIESSBACH?
    17. ORPIMENT
    18. MENTEWAB
    19. ABDICATE?
    24* TENNIS?
    21. NISPETIYE (Istanbul metro)?
    22. YEZHOV
    23. A decent Descent descendant – OVERLOAD?

    • 11. ILLUMINATI
      4* A word sometimes seen before tax, herd, and pad
      13. (USAHS) THISTLE
      14. LEGIE – previous work from the developers of Hrot
      15. GIESSBACH

      (See you at the Strakonice International Bagpipe Festival 2024, Tim?)

    • ATITHI, 1895
      Sort by Bengali title, then it has to begin NATI, ATI or TI. Fortunately ATI comes first alphabetically.

      11. ILLUMINATI
      20* ATITHI
      13. THISTLE
      14. LEGIE
      15. GIESSBACH
      4* BACHELOR
      17. ORPIMENT

      (Bring back the Nose Tax, I say. From when the taxman actually had teeth.)

      • Clever. I had actually ctrl-Fd through it yesterday and only come up with an essay on nationalism, so I don’t know what I did wrong!

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