Every Friday at 1300 hours, Tally-Ho Corner’s cleverest clogs come together to solve a ‘foxer’ handcrafted by my sadistic chum and colleague, Roman. A complete ‘defoxing’ sometimes takes several days and usually involves the little grey cells of many readers. Don’t be shy. All are welcome to participate.
To fully defox the following geofoxer, identify all twelve locations plus the theme that links them.
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Last week’s board games jigsaw foxer:
a1 AuZtralia
a2 The Russian Campaign (Colonel_K)
a3 Eldritch Horror: Mountains of Madness (Nutfield)
a4 Calico (Colonel_K)
a5 Lion of Judah (Colonel_K)
a6 Scythe (Colonel_K)
b1 1960 – The Making of the President (Nutfield)
b2 SCOPE Stalingrad (Colonel_K)
b3 The Devil’s Cauldron (Colonel_K)
b4 Dover Patrol
b5 Man of War
b6 Cobra (Colonel_K)
c1 Open Fire (Colonel_K)
c2 Azul (Nutfield)
c3 Twilight Struggle (AriochRN)
c4 Chariot Race (Colonel_K)
c5 First Class: All Aboard the Orient Express (Colonel_K)
c6 This Accursed Civil War (Nutfield)
d1 Colt Express: Horses & Stagecoach (AriochRN)
d2 Silver Bayonet (AriochRN)
d3 Shipyard
d4 Star Wars: Dark Side Rising (AriochRN)
d5 Game of Troublesome Pigs (Colonel_K)
d6 Gandhi: The Decolonisation of British India (AriochRN)
e1 Power Grid (Nutfield, AriochRN)
e2 Wingspan: Oceania (Colonel_K, Nutfield)
e3 Devil’s Den (AriochRN)
e4 Lascaux (Phlebas)
e5 Picket Duty (Colonel_K)
e6 Smokejumpers
f1 Amerika Bomber (Colonel_K)
f2 The Game of Commando (Phlebas)
f3 Seawolf (Colonel_K)
f4 Sherlock & Mycroft
f5 The Guns of August
f6 Monopoly: Wuppertal
H) Pelikaanstraat, Antwerpen (link to google maps)
Central station on one side, and General Diamonds on the other
Antwerp Diamond Heist https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antwerp_diamond_heist February 2003
G) A38 in Filton, Bristol (link to google maps)
Looking at Filton Airfield https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bristol_Filton_Airport
…where Concorde landed after its last flight, November 2003
C is Arlington cemetery, looking at the Canadian Cross of Sacrifice
Space Shuttle Columbia Memorial blurred out.
Just waiting for Unity to Boot, but:
D: Talbot Street in Dublin https://www.google.com/maps/@53.3504839,-6.2560262,3a,75y,357.58h,81.25t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sz3WPp1RZ0Zxsa4jRiwxSGQ!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3Dz3WPp1RZ0Zxsa4jRiwxSGQ%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D329.33533%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192
A) Elephant & Castle, London (link to google maps)
Looking, for some reason, at one of the offices of the Department of Health
Hmm. Northern line entrance rebuilt 2003, but it’s the Bakerloo line entrance in the picture!
I: National Air & Space Museum, Washington, inc. Gemini 4:
Dammit, Unity loaded, need to do work!
In what I hope will be a nadir in my contributions to defoxing:
Is the connection Britain’s entry to Eurovision 2003, Jemini, receiving nul points?
I’ve been struggling with this one. The starry thing is SpaceShipOne, which made its first supersonic flight in 2003, but the first crewed private spaceflight in 2004.
The kind of gold string dangling down is a replica Pioneer 10, which went out of contact in 2003, but it’s not really in the picture.
The museum opened an annex in 2003, but that’s not the annex…
B) Gateway of India, Mumbai (link to google maps)
E) Staten Island Ferry Terminal, NY (link to google maps)
Ferry crash October 2003
F) Arg-e Bam, Iran.
I think we might have a year again – Arg-e Bam earthquake, Gateway of India bombing, building of Dublin Spire all 2003. More research needed.
Oh, and Columbia…
K) is Firdos Square, where Saddam Hussein’s statue was toppled in April 2003
I think you mean L?
I think I do.
J) Admirala Geprata, Belgrade, Serbia (link to google maps). The site of a presidential assassination in 2003.
K still to get, and convincing connections for A and I
I thought perhaps that there is one per month, but right now we have two in February (C and H). If the month is significant, then May, June, July and September are still unclaimed.
“2003” gets the nod from Roman. Apparently ‘A’ could feature any one of a number of London locations and the work underway in ‘K’ is pertinent.
Ah, that’s the 2003 Congestion Charge then.
For K my guess is somewhere in Halifax, NS, which was impacted by Hurricane Juan in 2003. The connection with the current street view might be a process to underground the utilities?
It’s not Halifax. The workmen are constructing the footings of a statue.
K is the site of the Johnny Cash statue, 999 Cooper St, Memphis, TN (link: Cash died in 2003)