Tag the experiment

Stupendous savings

Seven quid buys a prodigious quantity of gripping guerre at Fanatical.com right now. Using the site’s Build Your Own Special Editions Bundle option, you can snag Field of Glory II Complete, plus a fully-DLCed copy of Fantasy General II, for…

Star Trucker makes a great first impression

Decades of playing games that strive to replicate real vehicles and real battles has rewired my brain in ‘interesting’ ways. The other day, while pushing a wheelbarrow down a garden path, I found myself mentally interrogating the realism in Star…

Combat Mission Olympiad: Turn 4

I’m not saying the first three minutes of this CMAK contest were uneventful, but when the TV camera panned across the grandstands at the end of Turn 3, I noticed several people scrutinising phones or reading newspapers, and at least…

Antrim after Angola

It’s hard to believe, but the next COIN title from Every Single Soldier should be Early Accessible by the end of the year. Fingers crossed, Northern Ireland ’74 will be less intimidating than Angola ’86. As I mentioned in this…

R.I.P. Ilan Papini

I’ve just learned that Ilan Papini, the chap behind thoroughly likeable sims such as Virtual Sailor and Vehicle Simulator, died in February from injuries sustained in a plane crash. The ICP Savannah piloted by the 60-year-old developer, suffered a bird…

An irresistible simpulse

Me and Roman spent a small portion of last weekend in a thorny corner of Wessex, chucking plastic platters at chain-draped metal baskets. We’d decided to give disc golf a try after enjoying the demo for FLEX Disc Golf. Has…

Burmese days: Firefight’s juicy jungle scraps

The Close Combat-esque Firefight has matured splendidly during the past twelve months. Dipping into its cache of seventy-two South-East Asian/Pacific Theatre engagements this week, I’ve been struck by the way sage improvements such as new order types and infantry formation…