Tag the experiment

Hear the bell? Run like hell

A skillful ringer can communicate pretty subtle things with the THC scramble bell. For instance, the combination of clangs, bongs, and ting-tings that’s currently cacophonising the Corner tells me that Scramble: Battle of Britain is Early Accessible at long last,…

Dusty But (Fairly) Trusty: European Air War

Since THC stumbled into being, I’ve been itching to grant MicroProse’s 1998 chart-topper European Air War, Dusty But Trusty status. Only a nasty bug that delights in crashing careers in both the GOG and on-sale-at-the-moment Steam version has stopped me.

Lines of Battle: Waterloo won’t penalise plodders

This toptal.com page about Leonardo Massaroli fails to mention one important fact about the Argentinian developer. He’s a wargamer. Leo has recently unveiled a web-based multiplayer-only prototype of a work-in-progress called Lines of Battle: Waterloo, and, a few hours ago,…

Find hidden objectors in Velvet 89

I’ve said this before, but it bears repeating. Every nation needs a developer like Charles Games. Passionate about transmuting Twentieth Century Czechoslovak history into memorable docugames, the Praguers’ latest project is a free hidden object game that tells the story…