Scramble ramble #1
The day is barely six hours old and I’ve already experienced one “crippling defeat”. If November 5 continues in this fashion, I’ll be bankrupt by sun-up, homeless by lunchtime, and dead by nightfall.
The day is barely six hours old and I’ve already experienced one “crippling defeat”. If November 5 continues in this fashion, I’ll be bankrupt by sun-up, homeless by lunchtime, and dead by nightfall.
On balance I’d say Turn 11 was more punishing for Team France’s fans than its warriors, but both spectators and soldiery were made to suffer.
While I can’t tell you whether Pure Rock Crawling’s depiction of rock crawling is superior to’s and Expeditions’, I’m hoping at least one THC reader has the necessary expertise and time to answer this question via a comment. What…
I don’t know anyone better equipped to assay Unity of Command 2’s last expansion pack than THC’s man in Lithuania. As Martynas Klimas has spent around 220 hours cheek by jowl with 2×2’s hexy masterpiece, his take on this “fitting…
A skillful ringer can communicate pretty subtle things with the THC scramble bell. For instance, the combination of clangs, bongs, and ting-tings that’s currently cacophonising the Corner tells me that Scramble: Battle of Britain is Early Accessible at long last,…
Not everyone in the games industry is quite as positive about Creative Europe’s game development hand-outs as the three grant beneficiaries whose views I shared in Thoughts of the Thankful. It would be remiss of me not to give you…
I might as well get my main Commandos: Origins criticisms in early (Playing games before castigating them is so passé). I miss inventories and Lupin the Thief more than I thought I would, and I wish Claymore Game Studios had…
What in heaven’s name do they teach them at Bovington these days? The British Crusader gets three chances to pot the PSW in Turn 10 and fluffs all of them.
Since THC stumbled into being, I’ve been itching to grant MicroProse’s 1998 chart-topper European Air War, Dusty But Trusty status. Only a nasty bug that delights in crashing careers in both the GOG and on-sale-at-the-moment Steam version has stopped me.
Not a good sign. Roughly thirty minutes after the released-yesterday Enemy on the tail! arrived on Ada’s hard drive, I was seriously considering unarriving it. Although I wasn’t expecting much for £3.21, I was hoping for something capable of outlasting…
I was raised in a region of Britain with a long tradition of commercial bobbin lacemaking. In her spare time my mother made intricate lace on a domed pillow fringed with beaded bobbins and festooned with brass pins, and in…
This page about Leonardo Massaroli fails to mention one important fact about the Argentinian developer. He’s a wargamer. Leo has recently unveiled a web-based multiplayer-only prototype of a work-in-progress called Lines of Battle: Waterloo, and, a few hours ago,…