Tag the experiment

RIP Game-Labs?

Recent forum posts and Steam news items indicate Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts and Ultimate General: American Revolution will get no further updates. As eagle-eyed genre analyst The Historical Gamer noted in a Boxing Day video, the fact that pivotal GL personnel…

Review Reprise: aerofly FS

Of the hundreds of reviews, previews, and retrospectives I wrote during my time as a PC Gamer games inspector, few were punnier than this 2012 double-page spread on aerofly FS.


Last night one of my Armored Brigade II BMP-2s had a very lucky escape. Cluster-bombed by a marauding Phantom, it would have been dead as a doornail if the bomb in question had been a standard CBU not a training…

Sunlight is the best disinfectant

Creative Europe’s latest ‘call for proposals’ is just as daft and unfair as previous ones. For some reason the EU’s grant granters still feel the only games deserving of funding are ‘narrative’ games. Thinking of making an RTS, TBS, or…

Beware Urban Strife’s un-undead

While shambling cadavers are by no means the least of your worries in engaging turnbased team tactics title Urban Strife (Picking stylish headgear, or deciding whether to belt a melee opponent with a frying pan, monkey wrench, or rolling pin,…

Review Reprise: Steel Armor – Blaze of War

I’ve written hundreds of reviews, previews, and retrospectives during my twenty-odd years as a games inspector. As many of these appeared in the British version of PC Gamer magazine and nowhere else, now and again something from my archive may…