Tag the experiment

Angola ’86 interview

Most wargames are designed by people without firsthand experience of their subjects. Currently in the early stages of beta testing, Angola ’86 springbucks the trend.


A is for Abbreviated A2Z. I won’t be compiling any 26-entry news round-ups while The Experiment is running, but truncated versions like this may appear from time to time.

Aircraft in Pixels lets you assemble an Albatros

Anyone hoping Model Builder would spawn a plethora of winged add-ons has had a disappointing year. Apart from a solitary Hawker Hurricane wheeled out in May 2022, Moonlit has released nothing to tempt players weaned on Airfix aeronautica. Having just…

Death From Above – NAFO or naff?

Insipid aerodynamics, and a lack of targets and target variety prompted me to uninstall the £8.50 Death From Above a mere two hours after torching my first T-80. I might have lingered longer had Rockodile forced me to scrounge ammo…

The Experiment

Roman, my perpetually restless sidekick, has persuaded me to try a little experiment. For the next two weeks, instead of posting a substantial feature every Friday, I’ll be posting something smaller – a news story, some ‘first impressions’, a miniature…