Tag interview

Stale Air and Stolen Thunder

I was up at Farnborough International Airshow yesterday, and, while having a crafty fag round the back of the Fuel-Air Weapons Marquee, was lucky enough to run into one of gaming’s most elusive genres. Dishevelled and smelling slightly of wet…

Angola ’86 interview

Most wargames are designed by people without firsthand experience of their subjects. Currently in the early stages of beta testing, Angola ’86 springbucks the trend.

A King* on the Corner

I hope previous Tally-Ho Corner interviewees won’t be offended if I describe today’s Q&A participant as our most notable yet. When, early last week, I dashed off an email to an old school pal who, for the past twenty years,…

Interview: Gregory Adam Scott

If the bottom ever drops out of the armour roguelike market, Gregory Adam Scott won’t need to cast about for a new career. When the creator of Armoured Commander II isn’t enlarging or enhancing his trailblazing austerity tank sim, he’s…

Interview: Ezra Sidran

Right now General Staff’s most effective recruiting sergeant isn’t a smooth-talking influencer, a fancy trailer, or a feature list as long as a Chassepot rifle, it’s a collection of digitised academic papers tucked away in a dusty corner of an…