Category Other games

Review Reprise: Hidden & Dangerous

I’ve written hundreds of reviews, previews, and retrospectives during my twenty-odd years as a games inspector. As many of these appeared in the British version of PC Gamer magazine and nowhere else, now and again something from my archive may…

Competition for Cleared Hot

One of the obvious risks of announcing a game years before it’s ready for release, is your screenshots and vids could end up inspiring rival projects. Although Cleared Hot’s relatively high profile and lengthy gestation may not be the sole…


L is for Last night I unwound with the help of FLEX Disc Golf. Recently bolstered with several new courses, this budget-priced offering manages to scratch multiple itches simultaneously. I enjoy its bucolic outdoor spaces, its dash of aeronautics, and…


G is for Game the rise and fall of a Great Plains superpower. Tired of 4Xing with fictional civs or highly stylised ‘historical’ ones? Because a free, GMT-approved version of Joel Toppen’s solitaire board game Comancheria has appeared in the…


Instead of making you wait until Friday for the first A2Z of 2025, I thought I’d chop it into five roughly equal portions, and post a portion a day every day this week.

Praise the Titanic?

What the ongoing struggle between RMS Titanic and the Atlantic Ocean lacks in kineticism and pyrotechnics, it more than makes up for in atmosphere and pathos. While Early Access ROV sim, vROVpilot: TITANIC only managed to distract me for around…

If I show you mine…

…will you show me yours? My Steam ‘Year in Review’ for 2024 contained a few surprises. For instance, I was somewhat taken aback to discover that I’d fired up Tabletop Simulator 208 times last year, and, for 49 consecutive days…

Sunlight is the best disinfectant

Creative Europe’s latest ‘call for proposals’ is just as daft and unfair as previous ones. For some reason the EU’s grant granters still feel the only games deserving of funding are ‘narrative’ games. Thinking of making an RTS, TBS, or…

Beware Urban Strife’s un-undead

While shambling cadavers are by no means the least of your worries in engaging turnbased team tactics title Urban Strife (Picking stylish headgear, or deciding whether to belt a melee opponent with a frying pan, monkey wrench, or rolling pin,…

Ace Amusements: Dark Spasm

If a game makes it into the Corner’s end-of-the-pier amusement arcade, you can be sure of four things. The entertainment in question will riff on a classic from the 70s or 80s, require quick reflexes, be cheap or free, and…